Jul 11, 2006 19:16
Work was wonderful today. i love work ( dont wanna jinx myself) but its a real good expierence to learn that not everyone is brought up the same, or is sane. rather theres a lot of CRAZIES out there!
this one patient today, it was his 2nd day being treated in our clinic.... the thing that ticks me off the most is when patients dont full fill their entire treatment time. they always get pissed at about 30-45 mins before their treatment really ends. maybe next time if i know they always get mad i will tell them that, " you know this machine that you are hooked up for 3-4 hours every other day is saving your life. maybe you dont appricate your days here on earth, but i know this, someone somewhere is wishing they are where you are.. the land of the free, where basically you are on medicaid, dont tell me that you are paying me to work here... actually what i earn, you know that lil tax that i get every paycheck...called medicaid, and social sercuity.. that all goes to you... to all the people that are on welfare, who are not able to WORK and make a living, and you are here telling me that you are the one paying my bills, guess again, sir/madam i think im working my ass off just so i can get taxed and so im able to see where exactly where that stupid money goes." it just really upsets me, these patients think they are on the top of the world just because " they pay us to work" hahah i laugh everytime they say that... anys that new patient who just started dialysis gone crazy saying we are taking his blood and the left over blood on the lines of the dialysis machine he wanted all of it to return to his body.. i told him thats dried up blood sir, im pretty sure you dont want those floating around there... he insisted.. im like bitch, i have been working in this field longer than you been on dialysis so, i think i know what im doing geez... man crazys.
also, i think i like the rush in CVICU.. its cardio vascular Intensive care unit, i had to dialyize one patient.. she went into V- Tach.. man i freaked out, i never had a patient kinda like code right in front of me.. im like uhhhhh.. help. but then she just came back to NSR right away ( normal sinus rhytm) sorry for all this lingo that maybe you are not use too, but im trying to get my point across. lol.
but what was crazy was, actually see someone dying..... the patient next door, his family was there and i guess they signed all the DNR papers and all this legal stuff... man, was it sad. as a health care provider it must be hard to talk about business when someone is dying dear to them.... but thats life.. it must be hard to be a doctor and come up to a family awaiting goodnews but all they hear is " im sorry, we tried our best, he/she just couldnt take it, we tried everything, we fought for him/her but... im deepy sorry" and basically, in the patients family view " we just paid you a shit load ( or their insurance) of money and for what, to see him dead" or some families understand.. which i like, but some are just plain ol timid.sad sad. they didnt go to school for 10 plus years just to kill your love ones....
annnnyyyways, what i was trying to say was... he was dying, if i stayed any longer i would have seen a dead patient. its sad, everyone is just looking until you go for the light....
those DNR/ health care surrogates are scary, you as the patient know what you want, but then you have the family members that want you to stay forever..it gets really dirty, or if it is DNR but theres no papers, im sorry we have to do everything to save you because we cannot find the supporting papers and then you find out that they wanted to be DNR, but didnt find the papers and you saved them and then you find the papers, then..they are alive they SUE YOU! damn they were suppose to be dead anyways now they are alive and rich.. fuckin bitches.
anyways. i had this one patient ever since i started working the hospital die on me. he was pretty old, but funny man... he just slept one day and passed on.. guy had it coming. he was a nice man, but he was needed somewhere else i guess. i remember him mumbling stuff and i dont understand what he is saying, then when we are speakin in tagalog he tries to imitate it. its funny.
that crazy patient was telling us to speak english cuz we are in america... i thought english was only in england is what i told him... so the rest of the treatment was all in tagalog... hahah he thought we were talkin smack. haha. ano ginawa mo ha? haha.
bout it folks..