(no subject)

Apr 02, 2006 13:57

I do believe that I need to start updating more often, for as that little more information section at the bottom of mypageity thing tells me it has being ten weeks since my last update, and through a process including bad maths and the position of the sun, I have reasoned that that is about two and a half months-ish. That combined with the fact that I actually have some rather nice things to talk about posses the question as to why I haven’t updated, well ha, I am now so take that update questions.

So, lets see, how to structure this, first monthly overview, then I think what happened in the weeks that I can recall, then maybe even days if I can dredge the depths of my memory and work out what happened. Granted this is me, so I doubt I will be able to…

On a side note, Alex loves Talia. More on that latter..

So now, so the months, um, January, I cant really recall what happened in the last while of January. Taking into account I can only vaguely recall what I wrote last time, and I know it included me complaining about a lot of things. The remainder of jan was spent much like the former part of it, lacking offcourse the trip up the coast and tassie. So basically I stayed at home, or saw friends, which worked well for me, after having almost a quarter of a year off doing not all that much I was beginning to feel that uni should start soon, just so I can actually get into doing something and feel that I am a productive member of the world once more, don’t ask how going to uni actually accomplishes this, but hey it just did. Other things that happened in jan, the OCA pipe band started up for the year, for those who don’t know so all of you, that is now the pipe band I am playing for, but do not fear we play some rather groovy tunes, yes I am well aware that I used pipe band and groovy tunes in the same sentence you wait it is possible. Other than that, not much really happened in jan.

Now on to February, I think I started uni this month, but in all honesty I couldn’t recall that date if my life depended on it, but I had far more important things happening in this month to be concerned with uni, so taking into account that I did start uni around this time (I have the belief that it may of being late this month, so yay), that was fun, uni really isn’t that giant change I was expecting, well ok I lie, I wasn’t actually expecting much to happen at all, I just expected it to be what it is, maybe a little more exciting at times, but hey what can you do. So anyway, I will get to uni latter on, maybe. So anyway, talia and I started dating, and guess who has never being happier, come on guess…guess… well yeah, I have to say that I am actually really really happy, like nothing has being able to get me down since then, so I may still be in the super euphoric stage, but I have to say I do rather like her a lot, she is so so wonderful. I don’t know what else to say there, so I will just leave it there and go on smiling *smiles*
So um, the rest of feb was taken up with uni, and me losing a lot of money due to the buying of the books that I need to apparently read to complete the course, which is rather disappointing to me, as I am now poor, and want more work, so to cover the hours prior to 3:30 I am thinking I may try to take up a job at one of the sparse music stores around the place, not cd stores or that kinda thing, a store type place where they sell instruments and teach music, ask questions relating to the reason why play woodwind over brass, or what be the reason one would get an acoustic guitar over the more popular electric, and vice versa why get an electric over a acoustic. So I do believe is shall follow that up, as I have some backing knowledge in these areas and would like to have a job where I am doing something that I can use my brain in, and not have to be confined to a clothing store with a lot of people who don’t seem to know how to match, that and seeming as I tend to boycott a lot of brands, it might pose a slight hassle to my future in the store. yay for tangents.

So march, we only just started April like yesterday, so you would think that march would be fresh in my mind, but alas, not so, seeming as a lot of march tends to make me want to complain about uni and those silly people in one of my lectures. I shall leave it to latter, but fun facts about march. I went to take in a show with talia, that show was of course ‘A street car named Desire’ which from a student studying psyc was rather interesting. So it was most enjoyable, if you have the chance to see it, I say go and have a look, closing night is the eighth of this month, that and a side note for any ex BBC guys who read this, so um, alex and um… woo you are awesome… that play Away that we had to read and analysis, the one where you were like that women who was insane, yeah that is actually coming out soon, so we need to go and see it is actually good on stage..

April, was a party last night, twas fun, there was much to do about nothing that happened, although, there was an awesome high five situation that occurred, for those who know scrubs, and the todd, well one thing lead to another, and not actually using scrubs for it, myself and one of my friends (bg) decided to go for the high five, which involved us having a slight running leap then making contact mid air before coming down and all. So all in all it was awesome. We didn’t miss, which was odd, as I never recalled having co-ordination. But back to the main part of the story, basically we hit with such force that we caused his watchband to explode and our hands stung for a good hour after. So all in all, it was rather a joyous occasion.

Now on to some more medial points.


The good - everything except that I am going to complain about in the next section.

The Bad

>> Annoying lecture A -well we all have those, people in a situation, a school class, a work place group or a uni lecture / tute session that just seem to annoy us, well I happened to come across such a group of people all of whom seem to be located within one class, well I am not saying that they seem to all want to sound self important and try to prove just how intellectual they are by making these redundant statements, to try to raise a point that seems to sound deep on a superficial level while all the while it is actually just paraphrasing what we have being talking about for the last forty minutes. One such example is offcourse the issues of a certain gender class in a certain time period preceding our own, now I think everyone will understand that there has always being sexism, racism, basically discrimination of one faction or another, now although it is well and good for us to say today that it was horrible and ect, when you are in a class learning about issues that arose a few thousand years ago you cant bring in your uber cool 20C ideal into belittling the entire social construct in which the work you are studying happens to be based, not to mention there is a ke example that there is more to the issue that what you feel, you don’t need to take everything on face value you silly person. If it annoys you so much then why not take it on a different level, you claimed you are of a higher level than all of us so why is it that you can not take what is being said as a metaphor, read into what is said, not how it is said. Oh and to you, you mean mean little person, picking on poor innocent young person B, what was said by person B was not aimed as a sexual slander against you, so get over yourself, person B took a stand to try to come into the discussion, there are very few ways that they were able to say what they did, and all the while explaining what they were saying, if you aren’t going to listen to what is being said, then please do not comment and try to make person B feel bad, as they do not deserve it. On one final point, older person C, I know you are intelligent, so please stop playing to the immaturity of the others, we like your contribution on the higher level that you know you are on and that we wish to aspire to, there is no need to make abhorrent sexual references every chance you get. Sorry, one final point, david… grrr….

Wow, I don’t actually thing that there is anything else I find that bothers me about uni, um…. No, that is about all that I can find annoys me, the workload isn’t that bad, and I actually like the subjects I am doing, although there is a lot more self teaching, I was doing this last year if need be and I find I enjoy it more, it is less controlled and I really like the freedoms of it and that you have to work yourself you aren’t told to.

I also recently obtained my learners, yes I know, nine months after I could of, but hey, it took me a while to get round to getting that medical cert, which they screwed up anyway, so all in all, Queensland transport hates us diabetics, but haha take that I have thwart you, so I am not able to drive more legally than before.

So, this entry is dedicated to all my wonderful friends, whom without I would be nothing.

To my dearest Talia, who I have very much fallen for and am missing so much right now. -Loves ever so much-

To the good people who make my insulin

And last but not least. Penn and Teller, and their Showtime program that taught me to look into things even more, curse you PETA, you lied to me.

------ tenchi

Also, i made this new layout type thing, not that i was avoiding work or any such thing, but i think it looks good, you have to full screen and all, so do tell what you think. You may also need to have your reso set fairly high...
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