Jan 18, 2006 10:11
after reciving an email and finding out that infact i have not updates for over 15 weeks, so basically i haven't posted an entery for almost a fith of a year, so i do suppose that i shouls say something it been the new year and all.
So what areas can i talk about...
Academic - well on this side of things i am going fairly well i do beleive, i was accepted into uni and am just finalizing my duel degree, i was able to get my first preference, which wasnt really that hard to imagine, so i am pleased with that. I have just been reviewing course units and signing up to them and what not, although been a student at UQ for the last two years gives you a slight know-how of how the system works, so i do hope it is nice this year.
As you may of gussed i have also finished school, it was a very touching moment to realise that i might have free time over the next rest of my life, but i will be sure to find somthing to fill the void in my life. Other than that i really dont kwno what else to say on the matter. You all knwo i am doing my philosophy, psycology and biomedical science as my majors at uni. So that is that.
Job - soon, ever so soon i will be able to start work that invovles mroe than basic level of nothingness. I have had some part time work recently at a physio, working as a receptionist and doing basic treatments, nothing to fancy, how i logn for something interesting, i now know why it is i would never be able to hold a retail job or food prep job, in the sense i belive that every day i turn up a little more of me would die. It was ok, easy, low impact, but very little satisfaction in what one was doing. So soon i will be one of the more working class acting as a bio and english tutor, as well as teaching clarinet and bagpipes (yes peopel actually want to learn them, i dont knwo why)
To that end i have also got a fair few other small side projects that i am working on, none yet have come into furition, but some are getting close.
Other - well as i cant really be bothered to think of other headings in which to put things under i will just rant for a while.
These 'holidays' have been ok thus far i guess, not brillent, but still rather nice. I have just been seeing friends when i can and going to the city and what not. Although i did go to tasmania for a lil while over new years
|_| so what was tasmania like you ask, well it was nice, the weather was a bit better than here, but you get over that sooner or later and just realise how veyr little there in tassie. I arrived and stayed with a freinds of mine's family, the next moring we made that long, yet rather short haul to the remoteness of the island where i stayed for the next 5 days, basically we had a scotish fest down there, so there was much loudness and much wiskey, a bit of fire dancing, which i am still doing and if anyone is interedted in learning you can talk to me.
BUt yea, i just played the pipes and funny enough was asked to do the chores that i was going to be doing at home, so it was like i never left, these been digging rocks, and the timber, always with the timber. Oh and just to show you that people arnt fibbing when they say there is nothing there
this is main street hobart, the token bussiest city in tassie...did anyone else see the tumble weed roll past....
----photo will go here when there server is back up----
more recently i was up the coast at marcus beach for a few days for a freidns 18th, that too was nice, there was much nothingness, a lil poker and such, some swimming, infact much swimming. and then the nightly party. but that was about it.
there as so many topics that i feel liek talking about, but i really cant, as i knwo that no one wants to read more of a thesis.
but lets just list a few -
+ the brokeback mountain contiversy, its a movie, it has gay cowboys in it, why on earth does that mean that if you go and see it you will become gay, is it stupid logic and i feel many disconcerting feelinsg to thoes people who are to homophobic to show it, or think that it is an abocory of cinima. It seems yet again you can only be gay if you are male, as lesbian secens are well loved as many movies have showed us, many that are comming out also play on this logic.
This annoys me on a second accout, that people arnt even against the guy on guy scene so much as the fact that it is a movie that is openly about homosexauls, and has themes of homosexuality. I mean there wasnt anything like that over lets say the producers, in which there is a great portion of the play that refelects homosexuals in the creative industry. So all in all i am just going to say spite and be done with it.
what else has been annoying me, smokers in queen street. This is no offence to anyone who smokes or anything, i just dislike it and find it annoying to have to wade though billowing smoke to get anywhere, i am not pointing fingers, but i am blamming a few of the queen street emos who smoke, first off, i live with a smoker, so i want to kwno who they are trying to kid, thoes have to be some of the most mild ciggerettes ever, there is no point in even smoking them, you should smoke the match it is probly stronger, stop trying to think it makes you a reble or makes you cool. A great percentage of the population smokes, they arnt rebels, you are underage, big woop, since when has age had jack to do with anything. Look at him, he just turned 18, now ofcourse he will be able to handel his alcohol like a man, even though he has never touched it before. Look at that person there, that just turned old enough to get there learners, so ofcourse they are now safer on the road than that person without there learners.
i dont mean to sound mean, but of late i have heard alot of people saying how much better they are than everyone else because they have this lil peice of paper, or they are this much older.
Here is a truth, everyone is good at something, everyone is bad at something. Some peopel can be good at a few thinsg, some people can be quite bad at a few thinsg. Yet no matter who you are, you will be good at something, and someone else wont be good at that thing. Dont make people feel bed if they arnt good at what you arnt. Stop making people cry
so in conclusion, no one is going to read this far, you would of stopped about 5 minutes ago. So oh well, i guess now it is the time i confess my undying love for that person that i havent told anyone about...