we don't take it lightly when you're threatening women

Aug 31, 2006 10:59

If you were in the group to see that last entry it is now deleted. The second I let my guard down, even on the internet, I fuck everything up. So read about a cool ass woman.

"I have always experienced prejudice and discrimination for being a woman, for being Muslim and for not being white. I think these issues cannot be solved without reform from within my own community first. I hope that I can address and articulate some of these issues both through my music as well as through other forms of expression - such as writing, short films, and documentaries as well as through general activism within the community. I hope to see Muslim women claiming their rightful place within society without any fears of judgment, discrimination or violence."

I posted about Deeyah (Muslim Madonna hayyy) awhile back when "What Will It Be" was gaining controversy. She did a pretty fabulous interview with Freemuse you should read: [Deeyah Speaks Out About the Unspeakable.] So far, I think she's the only new female face in entertainment still workin' feminism.

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