Apr 13, 2007 23:56
Taken From Ryan's journal, he always has fun looking thigns to do in there,
Your Bedroom
What color are the walls? Fire engine red
What color is the carpet? i have hardwood floors, but there's a small, beige mixed color rug infront of the door, and anothe rlarge one in front of my bed of the same color
Do you have pictures Hanging up? as in photgraphs.. there's one on ym bulletin board, of me and ashamaly, in halifax last year, that she sent me and painted aborder on, and a few of me and alexis, on my table
If so, are they in frames, or taped up? the belleting board one, is slid into the edge of the frame, and the other soare in framed on ym table,
What size bed do you have? Queen
Do you have a tv? Sure does! cable and all woot
Do have a stereo or radio/cd player? i have a 5 disc cd player, with radio on it, and a clock radio on the tbale next to my bed
Movies? i have about 20 random vhs tapes, on the bottom of ym entertainment unit, anda two dvd's the anna nicole shoe season one, and american idol season 1, haha
What is on your Blankets and Pillows? i have three blankets, i have a bright red one, with bright red flower son the opposite side, it's ripepd a little, and ahs some bleach stains, a stolen soft hotel blanket, in beige, you nkow the oens, they feel like, a kitten, and then a rough woolen one i keep on ym ebd for decoration, it's got a map of africa on it, and large animals zebras, lions tigers, and giraffes me thinks, possibly an elephant, it's very cool. my pillows i have TOO many to list them all SOOO many i won't try. but i'll name a few, um.. theres orange silk, yellow/ and orange, retro cirlces, and leopard print's and etc.
Would it be easy for someone to spy on you? YEs. if they can climb my front porch sit on ym roof and magically will my lurvly leopard pritn curtains to open.
Do you have a door? sure does.
Does your door lock? negative, but a knife works
Do you have a closet? yes the door fell off years ago, so ther;'s a blue shimmering, curtian over it, with metalic plastic, fringe in red white and blue over the top, and some star golden beads, hanging.
What do you keep in your closet? my closet is a reading room, it has a comfy chair wiht no elgs, a little white, organaisation dresset hing, which a has a leopard pritn vas eon top of it, and soem books, and the vase has flowers and tropical shit in it, and one of them is a blue light bulb, so icans e ein there, also i ahve hawaiin like printed fabric on two fo the walls
What do you keep under your bed? i hate bed frames so i thre mine in the atti, it had wheels which is horrendous, so it's a floor bed now, i like it becasue it very crackhouseish. OU lala
Do you share your room with anyone? LOl, funyn quwuestion, there is a door behinf my homeade laoprrd print cushy bench, it leads to ym baby siter katherine s room, she;'s 13, i took the knob out though,a nd i keep,it hidden.
Are their any secrect hiding spots in your room? yep, at the top of my closet, if you stand on the dresser you can climb up high, and there's a greta little dark spot, ona shelf. loves it.
Where do you keep your thongs/bras, boxers/underwear? in ym blavk dresser which is in the corner opposit eof my door, top drawer,
Are you in your room often? for the msot part, now, yeah sometimes, to wathc tv, when the downstair sone is occupied, my sisters and i play video games soemtimes, as well, listen to loud music, sleep there sometimes too.
Are other people in your room a lot, with or without you? yes, with me often, all the time, and wihtout me as well, my sisters play game cube in ther,e and watch tv, and etc, it's a cool room, it's like a living room, for young poepel, who are COOL.
Besides pictures, what else is hanging up on the walls? i huge painting done by ashamaly of a faerie's silouhette, in the water, my bulleting board, a shelf with bar stuff, a three layered shelf, with faerie, statuettes, bottle sof colored water, and some rnadom toys, and jars in the middle one, a batman logo ina frame, booblah and pincey's macaroni art portrait of me, a peice of cardboard that says fresh sausages, 6 watermelon papaer plates, some random dawings, and some souls()which are colorful snowflakes mad eof constuction papaer)
How many mirrors are in your room? one, in the top half of a wooden box, never use it or se eit much thouhg
How many closets are in your room? the one.
How many dressers are in your room? the one.
Is this computer, or any other computer in your room? negatory
The pictures in your room, mostly guys, or mostly girls? both, they all ahve me and one other girl in them.
Is their anything perverted, sexy, or nasty in your room? perverted yes, i ahev several porn mags in a drawer somewhere, which bring great entetainment to a group of quiet people, i ahve mags to cater to msot preferences and needs.buit that's it, og and a vidoe. hha
Your Bedroom (Part 2)
Do you hide things in your dresser? nope.
If so, which drawer? nothing
How clean is your closet? scale of 1-10 9 becasue it's old in there.
Do you keep your clothes in your closet, dresser, or both? i ahve a room for ym clothes, and i ahve some in the dresse rin my room.
Where are your shoes? in the entrance way and some in my clothes room.
Do you keep a diary/journal in a secrect hiding place in your room? i have milliosn of old ones, in rubebrmaid tubs somehwere
On a scale of 1 - 10, how clean would you rate your room? 8.9
Do you have any stains on the carpet? no, they are relaivly new
Do you think you would pass the black light test? absolutly not.
Do you have a trashcan in your room? yes, it's got it;s one shelf, on ym entertainment stand
If so, go look, what is in it? umm, lots of candy wrapper,s and random papers, beer cns too.
What would I find in your underwear drawer? underwear & socks
Do you have a make up table? nat i haven't
If so, how much make up is on that table? none actually
Do you use it all? negative
How would someone judge you by looking at your room? people lurrve my room, me too, if they judged me by it it' woudl sya i'm interestign fun, and happy.
Do you live with your parents? yes i does.
Do your parents go into your room? i invite mom all the time,
Do they search your room? sure don't.
If you could paint your room any different color, what would it be? i woudln't change it, i may add some light beige wrk, or some giant orange circles, with mirror shard borders
Do you have any dirty movies in your room? yes i do, thye fuck the air, its hilarious we watch it on fast forward, for a good laugh often
Hidden, or exposed? the movie, is with the rest in plain view, the pron mags are ina draer in ym reading haven
Do you have any signs up? yes.
If so what does it say? SLOW Lentement