Aug 24, 2010 19:24
So, the CNA classes are all full at Parkland. That means I need to wait for the next time to apply for the free training from Urbana Adult Education in October.
I went to the staffing agency and found that they're hiring for factory work at minimum wage at 8 to 12 hours shifts and you have to take a drug test. I was still there as the lady behind the counter was quizzing us on various info that you need to know at a factory. "What is "lock-out tag-out"?" said asked. So I told her and she threw me a piece of candy. I felt like a seal at the zoo.
Then she asked "What time do we open?" And I answered that. No candy for that one but another applicant behind me bellowed "He been here before, he knows it already." I turned 1/2 way behind me and replied: "No, it's written on the door!"
Also went to a grocery store and tried to apply but they were out of applications. That'll be my first stop tomorrow.