Aug 20, 2010 23:47
Has anyone else noticed that "Muslim" has become the new N-word?
Seriously, when I was growing up. The N-word was the worst thing you could call someone (other than a fag). But I constantly heard comments from racist people that the N-word were going to take over our government, they were going to infiltrate our schools, they were going to try and live near us and work with us and marry our women.
This idea came to me because every now and again I keep hearing detractors of the current President calling him a "Muslim". As if Muslims were the most vile horrible evil hateful people in the world. It's not that they disagree with his policy as much as they don't believe he's a Christian or really the President, so he must be a "Muslim" who has snuck into the the Oval Office and plans to destroy OUR AMERICA.
And why do they call him this? Because they can't call him what they want to call him because that word is now anathema. If you say it on TV or the radio or online, (unless you a comedian) you're immediately labelled a racist.
Now, you may say "Well, yes but Muslims are a threat to our way of life. They're terrorists trying to kill all of us." Really? I remember when they were saying the same things about the African Americans. The sentiment was that they were all militant radicals ready to kill an American at the drop of a hat.
It was a lie then and it's a lie now. We've switched races to make the devil but the meaning and the intent is still the same. There's a new word (filling the void of left by the N-word) to foist upon anyone we want to characterize as evil without a doubt. A threat to everything sacred and important in our American way of life.
The next time you hear someone refer to the President (or anyone else) as a "Muslim", do a quick switch and imagine them saying the N-word instead. You'll see what I mean.