But he spat on me first!

May 08, 2007 17:41

Read this today. Priceless. Just wonderful. The guy gets spit on so he chases the other guy and yells and spits back at him. Fucking childish. Disgracefull even. What does his company do? They defend it.

"You've got a long-term employee who was spit on by somebody and reacted to it. It's maybe not what everybody would want, but in society, being spit on is not something someone should be expected to take and not react to it at all."

Spitting back at people is what children do, not eployees who work in thew customer service industry.
The problem with this is that there are so many low brow retards workign as bus drivers. YES it's a stressfull job, YES you have to deal with a public who spit, yell, threaten and do everything else under the sun. But you can't just retaliate. That's stooping to their level and altough I don't want to have to live inthe same city as a bunch of monkey's I SURE as hell do now want to have to be driven around by a bunch of monkies. God how can they defend that sort of behavior?

"If you went into a Canadian Tire and you didn't have enough money to buy something, and the clerk said, 'You can't have it because you didn't pay for it,' you spit on them, you'd expect the security guard to grab them and have them arrested."

This is another nice little quote. gotta love this "Well he did it to me first" mentality. What are we FIVE? And NO security guards DO NOT "grab and arrest" people for spitting. Well trained security guard do not grab PERIOD. Why? Because it's uncouth and potentialy illigal.

Look a fact of life is that when you are providing a service like busses you are going to deal with all the unwashed, crackhead, trained monkies in the city. It's a given, you're offering the cheapest form of moterized trasportation. So you're going to get dumbasses who try to sneak onto the bus for free and then spit on you when you don't let them. Is it right? NO of course not. But is it right to man your busses with the same fucking knee-jerk monkies? No! And fuck if the busses are too dangerous up the security. Impliment procedures to deal with the situation. Don't go spitting on eachother like a couple of fucking animals. What's next? arming your drivers with clubs? Hey you know it would probably be cheaper to man your busses with REAL trained monkies. They might spit less too.

This kinda shit pisses me off. Have some fucking human dignity people. Don't spit on people. Even if they spit on you first.
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