(no subject)

May 09, 2007 12:38

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For some reason, the video clip I wanted to show off at the end came off on the top, and I have absolutely no clue how to change that. So, to kickstart this Japanese segment, there's a korean clip of jaejoong singing happy birthday in three different versions.

Sorry, I know this was supposed to be here last night. Was out like a light the moment I came home.

First of all, before you absorb anything, I don't think my translations are all that accurate (: In fact, I don't even think the name of this section is grammatically correct. So basically, what this is, is me trying to spread my Jap passion, hoping maybe it'll help those who are learning as well as hoping that those who know Japanese (*cough Brandon, Chrissie, tomosuki, claire, aud cough*) can lend a bit of a hand.

Truthfully, this is actually a segment for me to fangirl XD But, hey, who says fangirling is a bad thing? It can't be when you're learning something outta it :D

Today's segment is from the little pink book of May07 Myojo magazine. It's a Massu/Ryo exchange in response to a fan's question.

Topic: On Birthdays (: of course.

Pleased to meet you. I'm going to Australia for overseas studies this summer. I had my birthday in Japan, and a lot of people came to celebrate. This is the birthday that has remained in my heart. Masuda-kun, please tell of a birthday that remains in your heart.

M: NEWS で PV を撮った日が俺の誕生日で、その日の夜、メンバー からおめでとうメールが来た。
My birthday was on the day we shot a NEWS PV. That night, I received messages from the members.
R: 覚えてへん。俺もメールした?
I don't remember. Did I send one too?
M: うん。次の日だったけど。
Un. It was on the next day, though *laughs*
R: 俺が覚えてるのは、ちっちゃいころ、家族でケーキ食べた誕生日。錦戸家は、年に5回丸いケーキが食べられてん。兄弟4人の誕生日 + クリスマス。だから、毎年誕生日が楽しみやった。子どもができたら、そういう誕生日をしてあげたい。
I remember when I was little, my family celebrated my birthday with cake. The Nikishido family ate round cakes 5 times each year. 4 siblings + Christmas. That's why I looked forward to my birthday every year. If I have kids, I want to give them a birthday just like that.
M: 俺も子どもには "誕生日は家で過ごしたい"って思ってもられるような誕生日にしてあげたいな。
I also want to give my kids birthdays that will make them think, 'I want to spend my birthday at home'.


はじめまして。 (Hajimemashite) It actually means 'we meet for the first time'. So, obviously, it's only spoken on the first time you meet someone. A complete first greeting usually sounds like that:

(Hajimemashite. Watashi wa SUMAI--RI san desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu)

Meaning: Pleased to meet you. I'm Smiley. Please entreat me with your favour.
Well, that doesn't fully grasp the meaning of よろしくおねがいします, but if it helps, the Chinese equivalent would be 请您多多指教。

誕生日 (tanjoubi) Birthday. A proper greeting would be: お誕生日おめでとう!(otanjoubi omedetou!) While we're on this note, it'll be good to note that おめでとう is a commonly used term when congratulating people, literally meaning 'congratulations'. For anything, really.  "I've graduated!" おめでとう! "I got a job!" おめでとう!  "I got a pay raise!" おめでとう!  "I got a boyfriend!" おめでとう! "I'm getting married!" おめでとう! "I'm going to be a father!" おめでとう! etc..

教えてください (oshiete kudasai) Please tell of. 教えて means to tell, whereas ください is a kind of suffix meaning 'please'.
-> Examples: あなたの秘密を教えてください!(anata no himitsu wo oshiete kudasai)
                   Please tell me your secret!
                   あなたの名前をおしえてください!(anata no namae wo oshiete kudasai)
      Please tell me your name!
...I can't think of any other examples that don't sound despo. But yeah, you get the gist...no?

あげたい (agetai) meaning 'want to give'. Variation of あげる (ageru), meaning give. The suffix of -たい expresses want. Like 行きたい (ikitai) 'I want to go'. Or 聞きたい (kikitai) 'I want to hear'. etc.

ケーキ (ke--ki) Cake. If you've watched enough Ouran, you'd know this term XD

メール (me--ru) Actually meaning sms, or text messages.

家族 (kazoku) Family. Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind ( by Stitch).

丸い (marui) Round. I guess Ryo wanted us to know that he ate normal cakes or something :/ On another point, the suffix of -い turns an adjective into its transitive form (if that's how it may be explained. For example, 黒 is the colour black. If used to describe something -い  is added. 
    ->Eg: This cat is black = この猫は黒いです。
丸 (maru) can also mean 'circle'.

覚えて (oboete) Remember. Point of note, Ryo adds a -へん as a suffix, making the term negative. It's part of the Kansai accent, from what I believe. In normal Japanese, I think, it would be 覚えてない (oboetenai).

だから (dakara) Therefore/that's why.

過ごしたい (sugoshitai) meaning 'want to spend (time with)'. Derived from 過ごす (sugosu), spend (time). Or something like that :/


心に残ってる (kokoro ni nokotteru) literally means "remains in (my) heart"I know it sounds awkward, but yeah. See, 心 can mean heart/mind/soul (kinda like the name of Tohoshinki's first album). 残って is to remain. And に is the preposition used here as 'in'.

Lol, and all the bits in blue are the parts which I suspect are translated wrongly/inaccurately. Help here, please! >_<

I want a birthday cake too T__T

Well, I hope that was a comprehensive lesson. I'm actually doing this at work, which just goes to show how much I haven't to do.

let's learn japanese!

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