If you wanna be the teacher's pet, well, baby, you'd just better forget it!

Jul 28, 2004 17:10

So, I just got finished in the bathroom [ ew, shut up ], and I finally untangle the huge snarls in my hair. I feel bad for not brushing it everyday, but frankly, I don't care that much about it. I don't go anywhere except work and I have to wear my hair up when I work, so meh. I just get out of the shower and put it up. BUT, today I brushed and deep conditioned and blow dried it and stuff and finally got to see how long it's gotten. It's at least halfway down my back and a little past my boobs in the front. SO LONG. xDD Yay.

Anyway, other than that, I decided not to go to the Warped Tour on August Second, which is like, Tuesday. I don't know why I'm so against going, I was just like "meh." Lee isn't going either, and since he quit at Shoney's, maybe we can have a girls' night out and watch his Queer as Folk DVDs! WOO.

In other news, there's right at a month before school starts back. August 26th. Which is a Thursday, thank God. Summer is so boring, but I wish the day we started back would never come. Like, I'm bored to death when I'm at home, but then when the time finally comes to go back to school and have something to do, I don't want to. Meh, at least it's my senior year. YAY, SENIORS. I rule the school, yo. Pff, as if I didn't already. xDD

I really need to pay for this account so I can make it pretty. It's killing me to look at how fugly it is. Woe.

Started babysitting Randi [ Miranda ] and DJ [ my little brother and sister ] today. Which kind of sucks because they've been instructed to wake me up when they get up. Which is the freaking buttcrack of dawn. Anyway, we made pancakes for breakfast this morning and had some spaghetti ABC thingers for lunch. I made some banana pudding and we'll have that as a snack later on tonight, I guess. Then tomorrow at 9:30am, we're going to the theatre to watch Ice Age. It'll be fun. And Thursday I'm taking them to see Spy Kids 3-D at the theatre at 10:00am. I know it's early, but at least it'll give us something to do.

And, that about wraps it up. Woo and hoo. Off to work we go.
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