Hello, hello!

Aug 04, 2004 02:24

All righty, then. Here I am, and let's hope that this somehow motivates me enough to write more frequently.

On the fics front . . .


Admittedly, I have not started a new chapter for this one yet. I'm so busy feeling accomplished at the fact that I managed to update three times in semi-quick succession that I'm, er, kind of forgetting to update again. I should get around to it, though I'm oddly dreading it considering I've got over a month to go before anything happens in Sorcerer's Stone that I can tie it in with. Oh, le sigh. Perhaps I'll take the easy way out and have Aur conveniently misplace the notebook. ;-)

Imaginary Romance

Words cannot express how many times I've written the last two chapters of this in my head. The problem is, because of this, I've gotten rather sick of the last two chapters, and now I cannot bring myself to write them. I have big, big problems with this story as is, and I was determined to finish it this summer, but . . . now I'm not so sure. But I'll certainly attempt to make an effort before school starts again.

Toil & Trouble

I actually do have a bit more written of this, but it's just not behaving -- it refuses to be witty and is therefore just kind of lame, and I'm not sure I want you guys to have to suffer through all of that. Hopefully inspiration will soon again strike on this front.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker

I'm so lost on this one! It's dreadful. I honestly do not know why I uploaded it, as now I'm not sure how to continue. Damn me and my subconsciously masochistic ways.

Back to the Start

Er. I really should just finish this one up; I haven't got much further to go on it. Man, my procrastination skillz shall be the death of me.

Wedded Bliss or Something Like It

Er. Just er.

On the other fics front, I've got a Snape/Sinistra one-shot that I've been working on forever which involves lots of Snape torture and . . . actually, Aur hasn't made an appearance yet. But I figure she's bound to show up sometime. ;-) Anyhoo, I shall attempt to finish this one.

I've also got a Ron/Hermione mini-chapter-fic in the works (oh, joy, because we all know how good I am about those) based on an episode of the X-Files called Bad Blood, which is the Funniest. Thing. Ever. So . . . yes, I'm basically snagging the idea and HP-izing it, which should be fun. This one is called He Said, She Said and may or may not ever see the light of Ff.N-y day.

Aaand . . . that's it for now. If you have any inquiries or just want to force me to get writing already, for the love of God, Gildy and all things holy and hot (respectively), then just go ahead and leave me a comment. :-)
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