Still Vidding's Bitch

May 27, 2007 23:40

So I've decided vidding hates me. I think she's out to get me. Now my VirtualDubMod won't play audio. No idea why. Something about an anachronistic or discontinuous time stamp. Makes it sound like my clips have fallen through a dimensional portal. *lol* Who knows, maybe they have?

So I've finally given in and decided vob editing is not the way to go. When they say it isn't frame accurate they don't mean it's off a bit one way or the other or that your effect needs to be elongated to be effective. Oh no. It fucks your shit up! Makes things absolutely buggy! Everything gets speedy for some reason and looks really funny.

I don't know how you people do it. I really don't.

So fuck trying to deinterlace. I need to get my codecs straight first. *grumble* Then we'll get to the deinterlacing....once I beat VDubMod into submission. Oy. *head desk*

ETA: Digging through files trying to find that darn AC3 codec. How do you lose something like this? I mean, really. It isn't like a set of keys. *shakes head*
ETA2: Wasn't the codec...this happens for some strange reason to a very few number of people. Haven't found out why, or a fix yet. *pout*

vidding meta

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