Little Drop of Poison

May 30, 2007 02:01

Yeah, you know that LJ rumor that got debunked? Well, apparently it had a bit of truth to it and now there are some fandom comms that have gone poof. Luckily I don't think the BtVS/Ats side of things has been effected yet but....who knows how long this will go on for.

vichan has all the info here. And thank heavens for that. There are just some bitches I refuse to link to.

Which reminds me....stop linking to Wfi! They are following the links back and the whole point is to not get on their radar. ETA: And apparently their site has spyware attached. Grrrr. ETA2: Apparently not.

Finally, I aint locking shit that isn't already. I state very specifically what I lock, and don't lock, on my user info. And I'm not changing it. Caution is one thing, but I won't be ruled by fear of deletion.

I was in fandom before LJ and I'll be in fandom after it. I used to love the message boards and forums. This is not the death of fandom by any means. We might go further underground, but I like it there. It's where fandom flourishes. It might be harder to find for newbies coming in, but it also makes us harder targets. I'm not jumping to another blogging site either. LJ will either weather the storm or it won't. Fandom will still be here (or maybe not here-here) when the dust settles. Then I'll go where the fandom takes me. That's how I ended up here in the first place. Who knows, maybe we'll all go back to forums and archives and message boards?
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