For all those who didn't de-friend me since I went MIA, thanks. Or more likely, thanks for forgetting you friended me in the first place, so you didn't didn't realize I was there to de-friend! Went through a little rough patch for a while , and, well hell, I'm still going through it - but that doesn't mean I can't keep up my LJ right? That is, until I refuse to get out of bed again =)
Ah, the world of HP. Saw Prisoner of Azkaban. What to say, what to say... Hmm. Think I'll leave that for another day. Too much to say and too tired to say it now.
BUT-- has anyone been following the casting for GoF? They've cast
Cedric! Very cute I must admit. But... doesn't it look like he's 17 going on 27? Eh, maybe it's just the pic that makes him look more mature. It looks like things are progressing nicely for the next film. Now... if only JK could cough up book number 6!