Word to Big Bird

Feb 12, 2005 00:46

SKI CLUB FUCKIN ROCKKEDDD. it was liek hardcore gangsta shizzle. i leik went down all these big ass narrow hills and leik when i got to the top of mardi gras every1 wa lsiek " can u carv?" and i w alsike uhh no. i guess ill learn. so i just start going down in carving and shit it. was fuckin sweet. so yea i dodnt remeber leik halfthe hilsl si went down but i remeber northwind tannonbon[fucked that name up pretty bad] ballet i think candy cane idn not sure and a couple other 1s.

i fell liek really hard twice. once when i was teachign myself how 2 carve i leik hit a bump or osmehting and flew backwards and slamme dmy head into the snow but it didnt hurt. my arm got fucked up int hat so my elbow hurts a lil.

so leik at the end i wa sall leik to oconnor dude i know im gonana hit some1 cuz it hasnt happened yet. we met up with arden and cut form mardi gras oer to northwind and i hit some skier chcik cuz i didnt get to fuiigure otu which path i wnated 2 go downa nd she wa sall leik AHHHH leik in a lil squeaky but leik she raninto me becuz i stopped so it was her fault for nto keepign her balnce.

so then ocnnor goes down in a big cloud of snow and i cant see him and i dont wanan hit his ribs again so i just fucking fly backwards and hit my tailbone and slid but hey atleats i didnt hit him.

right nwo im eating a sundae...damn its good as a mofo

on the bus we had l eik this 1 seta with tbales and me and ed sat there and kenny and ryan moved so ed and i leik tak off our shoes and we just start reclining. my feet and legs r on top of the table and on eds side and eds r udner the table and on my side. i blanked out 2 mucis which is aamazingly fun.

well if i can go 2 saides thiswill b a hecktick ass weekend. ski club to sadies to w/e sudnay brings. fuckin tired thats what i am. i think ima whatch a movie soon or some shit.

so like ealeir on fridyafucking capri sun explodes in my backpack and fuckes up all my papers and shit. i was relaly pissed. so then 8th period fuckign another 1 explodes in my backpack! iw a lsiek dud e wtf mates!? so at this point my backpaxck is soaked.

then at ski club...my fuckign jacket breaks. the zipper fuucks up and i leik couldnt get it off and then i got it off and it broke. fucking gay thats what it is.grrr

i must get a tissue...

k im good

i go for haircut 2day and its goanna b all leik chop sewwy cut this shit off my head and redye it.woot

i had this dream last night...i was riding an elephant form donkey kong. liek even tho there never was an elephant it attcked leik the rhino in the game cpet it like suucked th ebad guys up and then like it coudl shoot ice balls out of its trout and shit. and yes...my dream was 2D like thta too. but then i started to wake up and my dream turnrd into finding a grl lol. so weird. so wierd. thewn i actually woke up and i w alsiek holy shit dude write downt this dream b4 i forget it.

my sounds too loud i htink i should turn it down.

idn what more to write this week was kind of a blurr 2 me.

went to the eye doctors uhh went to school...ate some food...thats relaly bout all i did this week
and leik of coars etalk 2 cool kids online and stuff

i tihnk ill go whatch a movie now. how botu detriot rock city i finally rented it.

word to big bird piece out to the big ass canarry fairy
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