Jan 31, 2005 13:55
The only epiphany I have had lately was the one in which I realized that I have been working way too damn much, and not doing anything fun and exciting. What can I say, I had to start paying the school loans this month. My current monthly bills are $200 more than my base pay. I've been begging for a raise, and supposedly my wish has been granted. We shall see on the next pay check. Damn, I'll I talk about is work now. How lame.
No witty stories to tell today, no trips to exotic locales, no run-ins with law enforcement, no skinny dipping on azure lakes in the mountains...basically I've turned my once exciting life into a mediocre, hum-drum thing, not worthy of any more words.
As I said last week, I was supposed to be working from 9-5 the past week. I ended up working 12 hour days as usual, except during the day instead of the night. Needless to say, this wreaked havoc with my internal vampire clock that has become accustomed to working 3rd shifts for the last few years. So aside from work and sleep not much to talk about.
I did have a pleasant dinner Thursday night, although I almost fell asleep in my Cordon Bleu. And I had a great time Saturday night hanging out with the crew for the last Resurrection (thanks for the ride, the fun, and the Thai food!!)
If my life ever becomes interesting again...I'll be sure to let these pages know.