80 hours of work this week! I tried to sleep when I got home this morning, but only got about 2 hours in before some horrendous nightmares interrupted my slumber.
I haven't read LJ since December the 7th and I am sure I am several hundred posts behind. If I was supposed to be anywhere, or am supposed to be anywhere, missed anything important, etc, drop me a line here and let me know. I apologize in advance if I forgot something, I just haven't had ANY time to do anything besides work a lot, and sleep a little.
In other news I've been able to so some cool things at work lately. I got to do a couple of kick ass sheet metal jobs, and now that they know I am good at it, they will probably send more planes overnight to Charlotte that need those type of repairs performed.
Making flush patches to airframes is really cool. If there is a hole or dent in the airframe, you cut it out to make a nice round or square shape, cut a piece of metal to fit into the hole, cut another piece of metal to act as a doubler on the back side of the repair, compute a rivet pattern, drill holes, countersink holes, get out your rivet gun and bucking bar and make a whole hell of a lot of noise! If you did a good job, you can hardly tell that the repair is there, and since the rivet heads and patch are flush with the original airframe, it hardly looks like anything happened at all.
Ok, I'm feeling geeky. Sheet metal makes me excited! Here's how you make a flush patch: