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Oct 15, 2006 14:39

Finally things are starting to look up in my life. Everyone always says that Friday the 13th is supposed to be bad luck.. but I disagree. I think it was one of the best days I have had in quite a while! It start out pretty blah but it ended pretty awesomely. Lets see... I dunno.. I was just in a good mood after band and it just kinda stayed there.. and then my parents and I went out to look at cars and I doubted that we would get anything.. but guess what?!?!?! I finally have a car!!!!! OMG!!!! Its amazing!! That is like a huge pressure lifted off of me... now I don't have to wake up at 6 in the morning just to go to school.. I don't have to spend hours and hours at school when I have no classes... its going to be awesome!!! I'm so exicted!!! Also another huge pressue was lifted off of me.. I wont say what it is cause it is pretty personal but lets just say that I feel total relief!!!!
and then on Saturday.. I dunno I really think it was an all around awesome day. I had a ton of fun at the game just joking around and acting like a dumbass.. and I finally found people who will act like a dumbass with me. I mean yeah Gilbert does.. but half the time he is in a grumpy mood and doesn't want to joke around with me. So I think god for my new friends who will joke around with me! YAY for them!!
And you know I have been thinking a lot lately and I had been feeling kinda guilty for the way I have been acting lately toward Gilbert. I mean he is constantly saying all the shit that he has to go through and that I put him through so much and yet he is still my friend.. and you know what... I go through a lot just to be his friend too.. I mean I have to put up with his constant mood swings and his ass hole remarks so next time he says shit like that to me... I am going to stand up for myself.. I'm not saying that I dont' do shit to him... because I know I do.. but I mean fuck... he isn't the only one who has to put up with stuff... I constantly put my feelings and my emotions aside to deal with his. so from now on I am not going to just sit there and listen to his constant nagging about my attitude. But with that said I am also going to work on my attitude. I honestly feel that because of recent events I am not going to be in such a bitchy mood because I wont have that much pressure on me. so yeah... i really think that starting this week things are going to be looking up.
Hey everyone check out the new song on my myspace... im that brown eyed girl!! lol
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