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Feb 18, 2005 21:53

yea so i really haven't updated about anything that's happened.. i don't even know where to start lol.. school has been pretty beat. tuesday i had to do my second speech for effective speaking.. i did alright i guess.. i think i read too much though instead of making eye contact but oh well.. there's still 2 more speeches to go :-\ my parents went to atlantic city tues n wed so i had the house to myself.. definitely would have been partyin if my brother didn't live right next door lol or if i didn't have a psycho neighbor. tues after school went like all over the place with jen. haha.. then she came back to my house.. mike came over after he got done school and he was here for a little bit.. jen kept sayin stupid shit to him though :-\. i'm sorry mike. anyway he left probably around 1:30.. i'm a little confused about whats goin on with me and him but idk.. wednesday had work and it sucked. i got really pissed off because i feel like everyone else fucks around instead of doing what they are supposed to and people are so bitchy. got outta there at like 5.. i couldnt wait to fucking leave. i like it so much better when i work by myself. jen stayed over wed night cuz she needed a ride to school thurs morning and i didnt feel like gettin up earlier to go pick her up.. watched a cinderella story, lol. .chad michael murry is so hott.. haha.. talked to mike for a little bit.. then eric calls me at 1 am? lol so i talked to him for a bit.. finally went to bed at like 3 and then got up at 6 for school.. school thursday sucked.. i was sooo freakin tired.. and all my classes were boring as hell so that was no help.. came home and fell asleep at like 4:30... definitely didn't wake back up until 9.. long ass nap. hah.. went back to bed at 11 cuz i felt like shit.. i've had a sore throat and now today i'm all stuffed up and just ughh.. shitty feeling. went to work.. got pissed at my sister because she called my house this morning looking for me? I DON'T HAVE A SET TIME TO WORK.. ugh. and she's not my boss!! fucking pisses me off.. my mom works till 2 in the morning and she's gonna call here and wake her up.. and i told her that and she says oh well, she'll go back to sleep.. WTF. what a bitch. she bitches me out at work again.. to "be on time" okay.. see that would be okay if i was actually late. ugh and then she kept talkin to me and i finally snapped and she got all pissed at me but whatever. she needs to back off.. i really can't fucking stand it. anyway worked till about 3.. came home and that was it.. didn't do anything tonight cuz i feel horrible.. drew called and invited me to a party but i'm not goin .. i wanna get better.. but that's about it for now.. tomorrow i was supposed to go to peddlers village with my sister and her mom but i think i'm not gonna go.. i'd rather do somethin else.. it seems like all my friends are away this weekend.. sucks. i haven't seen my mom in like a week cuz since they got home i was either at school or work when she was home and when i'm home she's at work.. yeah i'm done rambling.. lots of love! byeee
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