(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 22:52

Name: Tara
2. Nicknames: SoNniE, tarabell, miss harbison, big T,
3. Feet size: 9
4. Do you have a crush: you could say that..
5. Girlfriend/Boyfriend? i'm not single but not taken
6. Age you act: 18 most of the time
7. Where Do You Live: boring ass bensalem
8. Where you want to live: florida!
9. How many siblings: 2.. 1 bro & 1 sis
10. Favorite Salad Dressing: ceasar
11. Ever gone skinny dipping? nope
12. What are you watching? nothing
13. Last person you talked to: on aol? cia~cia and mike.. on the phone? becca
15. Favorite Book: hmm
16. Favorite Type of music: i listen to like everything
17. Favorite types of cars: i want a mustang
18. Favorite Saying: hmm.. idk
19. Favorite Fast Food: yuck
20. Favorite Ice Cream: mint choc chip
21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: smirnoff
22. When Do You Go To Sleep: haha.. varies.. usually late.. 1 or 2ish
23. Most Embarrassing Moment: doubt there is just one
24. Stupidest Person you know: me. lol no idk nobody i know is "stupid"
25. Funniest Person you know: all my friends are funny!
26. Favorite holiday: christmas
27. Favorite Food: pizza
28. Favorite Song: at the moment.. 50 cent ~ candy shop
29. Favorite Television Show: the oc, real world, ashlee simpson.. yes all those kinda shows
30. Favorite Radio Station: wired 96.5
31. Favorite junk food: ugh i don't wanna think about food now.. i'm sick :-(
32. Favorite sappy love song: aww idk if i could think of just one
33. Favorite Drink: raspberry iced tea
34. Favorite article of clothing: jeans
35. Favorite Animal: dogs

1. School: right now bccc.. but hopefully temple
2. Where You Want To Live: florida.. didn't i say that before?
3. How Many Kids You Want: idk at the moment
4. What Kind Of Job You Want: nurse
5. Wedding song: things could change from now till then so idk
6. Pets: hmm
8. 5 years from now?: idk hopefully have a good job and not living at home anymore
9. 10 years from now?: married?

Have You Ever..
1. Done Drugs: :-X
2. Run Away From Home: nope
3. Hit A Guy: playing around
4. Lied: yeah.. who hasn't
5. Stolen Anything: nope
6. Broken A Bone: nope
7. Cheated On A Test: yep
8. Cheated On A girlfriend/boyfriend: never
9. Gotten Drunk: yeah
10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: no
11. Been In The Hospital: yeah visitin people
12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes
13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: lol almost
14. Gone to Church: yeah
15. Never slept during a night: yeah
16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: nope
17. Been to a camp: yes
18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: i dont think so
19. Seen someone die: yes :-(
20. Gone a week w/out shaving: lol
21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: ew no
22. Broken something valuable: probably
23. Thought you were in love: yes
24. Streaked the streets: no
25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yes
26. Said I love you and meant it: yes
27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: yep
28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yea
29. Pulled a prank?: yeah
30. Made fun of someone?: yeah

Which Is Better..
1. Coke Or Pepsi: pepsi
2. Cats Or Dogs: dogs
3. DVDs or VHS: dvd
4. Deaf Or Blind: idk
5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tub
6. Television Or Radio: radio
7. CDs Or MP3's: CDs
8. Apples or oranges: oranges
9. Strawberries or Blueberries: strawberries
10. Gold or silver: silver
11. Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
12. Movies or music: music
13.Park or Beach?: beach
14. Hot or Cold weather? hot
15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunset

When is the Last Time You...
1. Took a shower: this morning
2. Cried: the other night
3. Watched a Disney movie: hmm its been a while
4. Given/gotten a hug: today
5. Been to the movies: when i went to see white noise... probably a month ago?
6. Said I love you: today
7. danced: all the time lol
8. did a survey like this: its been a while

What is..
1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: hmm
2. Your Most Prized Possession: idk
3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: :-) my friends
4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: bagel n cream cheese
5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: idk
6. Your Favorite Slow Song: hmm.. idk

What do i feel about...
1. Bill Clinton: i dont care?
2. Love at First sight: idk i dont think so
3. Abortion: up to the girl
4. Smoking: not good for you but whatever floats ur boat
5. Death: :-( sometimes it's for the better and sometimes its hard
7. Rap: it's ok
8. Marilyn Manson: umm.. weird
9. Suicide: not somethin i could ever do

1. have u ever loved someone u had no chance with?: no how could you love someone if u weren't ever with them enough to know them? maybe had a crush or liked someone that i had no chance but not love
3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: not really
4. want someone u don't have right now?: nope.. i'm happy with what i have
5. ever liked a close guy/girlfriend?: yeah.. what was i thinking
6. are u lonely right now?: not anymore
7. afraid u'll never get married?: sometimes but not really
8. do u want to get married?: yeah
9. do u want kids?: maybe
10. would you rather love or be loved?: both

+||In the last 48 hours have you..
1. cried: yeah
2. bought something: yup.. shoes
3. gotten sick: yes unfortunetly :-( my throat hurts so bad & i'm all congested. ugh
4. sang: yea lol
5. said i love u: yeah.. and i really do! ;-) lol
6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn't: yeah.. :-\
7. met someone new: nah
8. moved on: i've had nothing to move on from in the past 48 hrs
9. talked to someone: yea
10. had a serious talk: kinda
11. missed someone: yes.. i miss you babe. hope you're having a good time
12. hugged someone: yeah
13. kissed someone: yeah
14. fought with your parents: yeah with my dad as soon as i got home
15. dreamed about someone u can't be with: nah
16. had a lot of sleep: haha no
17. wanted this survey to be over: lol yeah
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