I fucking hate college. For it all it's worth, it's amazing, but I can't go on living like this. I'm not doing my work, I'm through my future into the wind, and I have this extremely strong urge to stop living. And by that I mean living VS just surviving through life. I don't know how to fucking do this. No one ever told me. There was no class, no
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I guess my only (probably lame) advice is that when all is not well in your life it can sometimes manifest in having issues with work. For instance there were a few situations this term that were pretty troubling. I also had my worst term ever of just being unable to force myself to really sit down, shut up, and do my work. I'd sit there staring at a blank screen, surf the web mindlessly, or get up and go out with friends, then panic at like 4am. I just couldn't make myself do it. I did not connect the two until close to the end of term when I made some changes to life at large that made me calmer. Suddenly it wasn't as hard to get shit done and I ended up having a pretty much stress free and productive finals weekend. So, I guess I'd say instead of beating yourself up too much look at what's troubling you and think about what you can do to, if not fix it, at least be less stressed by it?
Yeah, that was probably unhelpful and obvious and maybe not even applicable so, also, we like you Sam you open our jars for us and if all else fails you can drop out, audit courses for the joy of learning, and your friends will pay you to open jars for them all day long.
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