Today I was rather cold (and tired, but hey, what's new). So I ended up on the couch under a nice warm woolen blanket (I still should make a picture of it to show you; it's home-made) reading the final chapters of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. It took my quite some time to finish this book (probably because it's kinda big and it's not really an easy read, but that might be because of my level of English...).
It is divided in three parts, part one is ok, part two was a bit of a struggle and part three was great.
17 -> Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - a novel
By Susanna Clarke
English; 782 pages
16 -> Nieuw van oud - Ideeën om oude kleding een nieuw leven te geven
By Jayne Emerson
Dutch; 139 pages
15 -> Vlammen
By Hans Hagen
Dutch; 95 pages
14 -> Mijnheer Popper en zijn pinguins
By Richard & Florence Atwater
Dutch (orriginal English: Mr. Popper's penguins); 151 pages
13 -> Een scheur in de ruimte
By Madeleine L'Engle
Dutch; 159 pages
12 -> Sjakie en de chocoladefabriek
By Roald Dahl
Dutch; 147 pages
11 -> The dragonriders of Pern: The white dragon
By Anne McCaffrey
English; 322 pages
10 -> Ina May's guide to childbirth
By Ina May Gaskin
English; 337 pages
09 -> The dragonriders of Pern: Dragonquest
By Anne McCaffrey
English; 273 pages
08 -> What to expect when you're expecting
By Murkoff, Eisenberg & Hathaway
English; 551 pages
07 -> Witches' Forest - The adventures of Duan Surk
By Mishio Fukazawa
English; 328 pages
06 -> Baby, vruchtbaarheid, zwangerschap & geboorte - Het handboek over de geboorte en de ontwikkeling van het kind
By Miriam Stoppard
Dutch; 376 pages
05 -> Eerste hulp aan kinderen
Oranje kruis
Dutch; ... pages
04 -> The girlfriends guide to pregnancy - or everything your doctor won't tell you
By Vicki Iovine
English; 262 pages
03 -> Het grote wonder
By Lennart Nilsson & Lars Hamberger
Dutch; 239 pages
02 -> The dragonriders of Pern: Dragonflight
By Anne McCaffrey
English; 204 pages
01 -> My Boys Can Swim!: The Official Guy's Guide to Pregnancy
By Ian Davis
English; 122 pages