Rock Bottom

Oct 17, 2006 22:43

We have moved to a town called Brownsburg on the outskirts of Indianapolis. It is a very nice 2 bedroom apartment with plenty of room. We like it.

To my soul it feels like a prison. We have all but backed out of my brother's wedding due to our dire financial situation. My wife got a very good job in downtown Indy that was an hour and a half each way driving from my brother's house, but now her total time from door to door is now a half hour. It will be a good career with the world's largest pharmecutical manufacturer and the pay is decent. Good enough that we can pay rent, electric, cable, and $100 a week in gas and groceries.

She is happy with her job and happy with our new home.

I have applied to WalMart, K-Mart, and countless other jobs in the past month and so far my only interview has been with an advertising firm in Indianapolis who I am pretty sure only wants to sell me something.

Sometimes I ache for the life we were so quick to leave behind in Vermont. I say "we" but in truth is was my decision to come here.

Eventually I will get this right. When and if the next job opportunity comes up offering more than $20/hour I will grab it with all that I am and hang on until my death.

Being a thinker/dreamer is fine and dandy in my head but those things doesn't pay a single bill.
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