May 20, 2006 00:12
I can't remember the last time i updated this thing.... music and thoughts on the mind.
im not sure that i want to graduate; If my weekends this past year are any inclination of what's to come i am going to get very lonely after highschool.
I miss having a vehical more now than the past 9 or 10 months combined; I think that's because summer is coming. I dont nessesarily need a vehical in the summer, but every day last summer i would go to the beach for at least a little while. i miss it. i miss sitting in the parking lot and watching the waves, listening to music, i miss going to kruse park and sitting by the waves. I loved the beach and the serenity it brought me last year, im going to need something to replace that with... or get a vehical and a job, and still do it every once in a while.
I think that after highschool there will be a few years of in-decision... Maybe it's the pessimist in me, but every idea i have about my future get's shut down by the people i care most for, because "it's stupid as hell to join the Marine Corps." and other ideas as well.
IF i graduate that is.... by the looks of things i'll be in summer school.... or some other form of repeat for a specific class... first person in my family to not graduate on time.
the future is bleak, if you think you've got an idea of what you're going to do when you graduate... think again, because it wont be a good future. there are very few and unless you're the top 10 in your class.... you wont be happy with your life, i've accepted it, shouldn't you?