And I'm not sorry if I offend anyone with this journal entry.

Dec 06, 2004 19:36

There are just some things I need to say right now that I've thought about all day, and well.. for a few weeks now.. maybe a month, and well god damnit I'm going to say it. You see.. I really. Just can't. stand. Lenape. anymore. In all seriousness, I'd blow up the mother fuckin place if I was given the chance. And the people that infest the damn place.. my god.

I have come to the realization that, I just.. can't stand most of my friends anymore. Mainly Lenape people. The past 2 weeks have really shown me how fuckin immature a lot of them are. If something happened years ago, please just... don't bring it up as if it happened yesterday and expect sympathy. And don't bring up something that is meaningless to my life and that you KNOW I won't care about, expecting me to fuckin throw you a parade and be happy for you. ESPECIALLY. If the subject at hand is FUCKIN STUPID. And PLEASE. Please don't come to me and bitch about your boyfriend / girlfriend you've been dating for 2 weeks saying you love them and you're so depressed you broke up or are fighting. Cause I'll fuckin smack you.

I have ALSO. Realized that there are three types of friends. There are the friends you'll always be friends with, even when you're married and have kids. There are friends that it seems it'll be like that, but then they just fade awat within time. And there are friends that if they face away from you, you just won't give a shit. I think.. in all seriousness.. I have a total of.. 3 or 4 friends that I can say I'll stick with out of high school.

Obviously one of them is Ms. Jen Hill. Jen was the first person I met when I moved to Mt. Laurel and I've been friends with her ever since. It's very easy for Jen and I to talk to one another. And I think we turn to eachother everytime we need advice, or at least someone to cry with. I know Jen like the back of my hand, it's so silly how well I can read her like a book. Hell, I stood outside in the rain with a t-shirt on freezing my ass off being 20 minutes late to class for her so I could hug her and stop her from crying. No matter what happens, I'm going to be there to back up Jen.

I've tried for a long time to try to smack sense into some people, or just try to get them to wake up and realize how immature they're being. And it almost seems I may have made a difference, when it comes back and smacks me in the face. So I'm just done dealing with everyone. I can't stand. a hell of a lot of people I used to be able to stand.

And in all honesty, It doesn't bother me a damn bit that I might lose some friendships. Shit happens, but you know what, suck it the fuck up and move on.

I can't wait for the Seniors this year to graduate, there are a good number of people I just really don't want to see again.

There are a few of you that I'd love to say something to. To your face. But I know it'll end up with guilt trips, crying, and bullshit I don't need nor do I want to hear. So.. I'll just avoid confrantation by keeping it to myself. You all prolly know who I'm talking about anyways, hell, the people I'm talking about prolly know that I'm talking about them. And you know what, good for them. Because I seriously just.. don't. care. Yayyy for morons and people that need to just go jump into an inferno!

Well.. enough said. Tootles!
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