May 17, 2007 18:59
After my childhood, I never became a fan of TV. I simply couldn't find the utility of spending countless hours watching a show or worse, watching ANY show that happens to catch your fancy. I'd rather read a book or hang out with friends. But that's changed lately. Currently being a homebody, I constantly look for new things or activities to amuse me. I'm partly over "Fish Tycoon", since Ive discovered the 7th and last Magical Fish. Lately I've been watching a lot of movies on television, and here are some of the fantastic finds I've happened on:
1) Fried Green Tomatoes - (1991; Mary Stuart Masterson, Jessica Tandy, Kathy Bates) A bittersweet story of two southern women in the 1930s. Issues such as racism, domestic disputes, wife beating are shown.
I cried BUCKETS towards the end. And strangely enough, the only reason I watched this was because I thought Steve Martin was in it - and I DON'T even like Steve Martin! I always was intrigued by the movie (catchy title) but never watched it.
2) Tombstone (1991; Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Bill Paxton, Sam Elliot) Based on the story of US gunfighter Wyatt Earp (Russell), who moves to Tombstone, Arizona with his brothers Virgil (Paxton) and Morgan (Elliot) to retire. He discovers his old friend Doc Holliday (Kilmer) lives there too. The four get involved in a quarrel with the outlaws called "Cowboys" who lawlessly run the town, resulting in the famous shootout at the OK Corral.
What female wouldn't like a movie that portrays gunfighters as good-looking - albeit older- hot guys in trenchcoats? ;p Kidding aside, it was a solid movie with outstanding performances by the cast, especially Kurt Russell ;p And the death scene at the end was depressing. And being the usual crybaby I am, yeah, buckets overflowed again ;p
3) My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys (1991) - An injured rodeo returns home only to find his father in an old-age home and his childhood sweetheart a widow with two children. He returns to the rodeo to raise money the hard way.
Bull riding. 'Nuff said :)
4) The Scorpion King - (2002, The Rock) Matthias the Akkadian (Rock) leads a ragtag group of rebels against the tyrant Memnon.
This is the only movie in the list that I've already seen. It's always been a favorite for me and Ga. This was one of the few movies we watched on the big screen together. I love the cheesy action and the blatant lack of effort with accents. Seriously! Good action scenes especially by The Rock. Wrestling experience, I guess. AND don't forget, Memnon the tyrant looks like our good friend Benjamin aka B3 :)
The good thing about movies on TV is they play all throughout the month. In a few minutes, "Fried Green Tomatoes" will be showing again. I can't wait for the next showing of "Tombstone." So yeah, if you're looking to give me a gift, just go to the local manong "dibidi, dibidi" vendor and buy me copies.