Feb 13, 2007 05:05
The last time there was any progress on this little (little? pschhh.) story of Jess' and mine was May of 2004. That's almost three years ago now. We've been through quite a lot in those three years; fighting, making up, and, finally and most importantly, growing up. We were 17 in May of 2004, the date of the last edit or rewrite, and a couple of years younger when we first began the story at all. (I'll have to confer with Jess on that one, since I'm ass with timelines - fictional AND real.)
Through the past three years, Jess and I haven't been writing with each other nonstop, but we have been writing. We've grown, in a lot of ways, and that's reflected very clearly in our evolved writing styles. About a year or two ago, I suppose (again, I'll have to check with Jess on the actual dates) Jess and I did start writing with each other again, but we've left this story mostly untouched.
At first it didn't really come to mind, as we were really wrapped up in other projects, but every once in a while when there was a gap in our writing, Jess would quietly point out that we had this mountain of story just sitting around. I'd shrug off her subtle hints with new ideas, none of which really panned out.
Finally, just a few days ago, there was such a lull in our collective creativity that this project became very appealing... until, of course, I actually remembered the plots and characters involved. Still, we wrote it and grew to love the characters and now we want to make it into something.
As of now, February of 2007, we've begun the long, arduous process of rewriting this story, which we've dubbed, with a working title that will, undoubtedly change 'Magic and Mayhem.' (It's a cute title, really, but maybe too cute?)
Back in 2004, we were still very much in our 'fangirl/anime' stages and our story reflects that to an incredible degree. Now we've decided it's time to break that off, and we're trying to completely rewrite the entire story we've written and turn our little universe into something interesting to readers. We're trying to inject some coherency to our plots and characters, and hopefully we'll come away with something.
In any case, I've decided to maintain this old LJ. Once we get some workable drafts of our story as it's rewritten, I'll post them up here. Of course, I doubt any of the old friends of this account are actually still around... but we'll see, I suppose. If nothing else, this can stand as an online record of our work for us to refer to, just in case both of our computers spontaneously crash.
I'm leaving our May '04 entries up because, frankly, I like to look at the shit I once spit out onto paper and use it as a reminder that I have, in fact, grown as a writer and a person.
- Manda
If any of you ARE still around on LJ and feel like you want to get in contact with me, my e-mail address is mustache_required@hotmail.com. I use MSN messenger quite a lot and that addy doubles as my IM contact. LJ isn't really a vehicle of anything for me any more and I'd, frankly, be surprised if it was for any of you. Still, on the off chance any of my old high school friends log in and see this entry, it's always nice to get in touch.