Colors. I feel like I understand colors extremely well. While I was in college, for the last year I was there, I took all art classes. I'm talking Drawing I & II, Painting I, Photography, Photographic Design, Computer Art, 2D Design, and Printmaking. Alas, I didn't make it through to the end in printmaking because my workload became too much to handle, and so I dropped that class. But, in all of these classes I learned some hardcore lessons in color. Since then, I haven't looked at color in the same way that I used to.
Because of this, I noticed that I started to wear colors a lot more and wear colors that were complimentary. My photos have a lot more color in them, as opposed to the usual B&W's. I'm embracing colors a lot more.
My favorite color of the moment is green. I love green. I love wearing it, I love buying things that have green in it, I love smoking it, I love laying in it, everything! It's a neutral, friendly color. It's very earthy and natural. Perhaps that's why I've grown to love it.
What's your favorite color, and why?