Book 57 -- Mudbound

Sep 13, 2008 11:56

Book 57 -- Mudbound by Hillary Jordan
Amy Marr
Jami Walsh
Bethany Salek

Sarah Jay
Carol Conti

Nick Conti

Giana Conti


Amy: Liked It
Carol: Loved It
Nick: Enjoyed It.
Bethany: Loved It
Sarah: Loved It
Jami: Loved It

1. Inequality is a major theme affecting each character in the novel. What are the main forms it takes?

S -- African American vs. White characters. Hap in this life of servitude, but is trying to pull himself up and own his own land
A -- Laura who is nothing until she is married regardless of the fact that she is intelligent and well educated
S -- Ronsel is educated and smart and could do something with himself and he is not allowed to have a relationship with a white woman back home even though the relationship was halfway across the world.
A -- inequality between Jamie and Henry in their father's eyes.
S-- since Jamie is so much younger than Henry the father, Henry and Jamie represent 3 generations and each becomming more progressive

2. Henry buys the farm without consulting Laura. What does Mudbound tell us about the ways that the relationships between husbands and wives have changed?

J -- They've become more equal
C -- When they lived in the city it was on her home turf and when they go back to the farm area it changed his personality.
A -- Loved how he claimed to talk about it, because that hasn't changed.

Discussed how Henry loved her, but she settled for Henry.

3. Henry is devoted to the land and farming. Discuss other examples of ownership in the novel.

C -- ownership toward the share croppers -- Discussed racial relationships.
J -- Ownership that Henry felt toward Laura
C -- Pappy feels ownership toward Henry and Laura and the kids
S -- Hap and Florence and their desire to become land owners and Hentry and his struggle to hold onto the land he already owns
N -- nature shows ownership by taking out the bridge and some of the land

4. How did Ronsel and Jamie’s experience of war differ?

C -- gave Ronsel a focus and a purpose, where Jamie was very scarred by it
J -- Jamie was feeling cowardly where ronsel was emboldened
S -- Ronsel came out with hope and Jamie came back guilty
S -- trying to reconcile the towns feelings of him as a hero and his shame were difficult.

5. Jamie suggests that what happens to Ronsel is his fault. Do you think this is fair? Should someone be blamed even though their actions were well intentioned?

J -- Jamie should have known better. He was flouting his relationship with Ronsel to spite his father.
A -- Ronsel should have known better too.
B -- he had gotten a taste of the good life in Germany
N -- He was seduced by Jamie
S -- Jamie didn't care if he died. He was reckless with his life.

6. ‘You got to go along to go along’ p. 42. Is it ever excusable to accept racism in order to survive?

B -- depends on priorities if you're trying to survive you have to accept it.
A -- ways to advance the cause w/o doing what they did.

7. Compare Laura and Florence. In what ways do their experiences of motherhood differ?

A -- Oh man, got all day?
C -- Florence has had more challenges so she's more aware. Laura's been very sheltered.
A -- Laura didn't have the confidence that Florence had and Laura was more uncertain.

8. Which character do you find most likable/do you think you are most like?

N -- Pappy! (sarcastically)
B-- liked Ronsel
A -- liked Jamie
S -- Ronsel
J -- Ronsel

9. How would you have behaved if you were Florenece? Hap?

B-- would have done exactly what florence did, but would have got there before Jamie
S -- Thought it was funny that they all wanted to kill Pappy

10. Do you think the ending is hopeful?

B-- yes
A --yes, as long as henry figures out the baby is Jamie's

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