(no subject)

Apr 15, 2007 21:09

Weekend was cruisy.   Got the housework done on Saturday, and spent the rest of the day eyeballing strangers as they walked thru my house... but then Faith and I spent a nice afternoon together.  I think, even after all I've been bitching about her over the past couple of years,  I'm gonna miss her.

Mother finished season 1 of Farscape tonight.  Lol, that woman is SO funny.  But she keeps asking me these annoying, literal questions, as if I'm supposed to make sense of some of the crap that goes on in that show.  I'm like, "Seriously, Ma, just watch, and don't ask 'how'."  *amused*  I've totally hooked Jeffa though.  John will look at Aeryn from across the room and Jeffa will squee like a miniture fangirl.  It's so cool.

Found a nice one bedroom unit in a suburb half way between mum and work on the Northside today... gonna get the Real Estate Agent person to let me look inside.. it's avalible on the 4th of May, which will work out well...  and it's like, walking distance to band and just up the road from Tkd.. which, on the subject of....

My physio said I could go back to training!!  Teehee!  YAY!  I can't DO hardly anything mind..  but you know.. it's a first step.  *is excited*  Going back on monday.

So I'm happy.. dispite the annoyingness of Doctor Who... *grin*

tae kwon do, farscape, house moving freakout

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