(no subject)

Apr 15, 2007 20:52

Doctor Who Ramble...


No.. seriously.  Hmmm.  That's just about it for that episode.

Except that OMG!!!  Does that mean there is a lady Doctor around?!  And then she and him can have babies!  And the 'verse could be all having of Time Lords again!!
That would kinda be wicked cool.

I just think that ep coulda been something else entirely.  It was kinda annoying...

And OMG!

"Can you say rebound?"

DUDE!  *slaps Martha*  How DARE she??!!  He's all mourning, she NEEDS to lighten up.  If she doesn't WANT to be with the Doctor, she can bloody well leave!!!!!  *glares*
lol.  I still love her, but really.  *glares some more*

Ummm... nothing much else.. although, I did love, completely, the beginning and the end, while he was describing his world.  There was magic in his eyes.  Wow.  My poor baby.  *cuddles him*  Was lovely though.

So yeah.... was kinda dissapointed with it, but still..  it's my Doctor.  *giant grin*

doctor who

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