(no subject)

Jun 22, 2009 22:25

I am so ANGRY right now!!!!  My goddamn brother, stole my goddamn frakking ram!!!!  No wonder the bloody thing is as slow as an old grandma with a walking frame!

HE STOLE MY RAM!  And he didn't even bother to TELL me he was stealing it.  And not only did he steal it, he GAVE it to someone!  My RAM!  I have been pulling my hair out for five weeks over this bloody machine... I nearly threw it against the wall it made me SO ANGRY!

And it's HIS FAULT!   UGH.

In some other news, I had an awesome, awesome time in Toowoomba with the band geeks, even though it was SO FREEZING COLD at Picnic Point, I seriously couldn't make my fingers work properly to get my high notes.  And I got food poisioning on Saturday night and didn't sleep much... (and yes, that was due to food, NOT the bundy rum I was drinking.....  I only had three, due to the insane hour we had to get up on Sunday morning to make it to the Woolshed by half eight)

bob/kate, band

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