(no subject)

Jan 24, 2008 22:32

Torchwood was really kind of cool tonight... in a completely different way then last week...

It was actually kinda creepy!  Like.. almost horror film kind of stuff.  The whole knife arm attachment thing getting pulled out of people... *shudder*

I felt SO BAD for that chick.  I get where Jack is coming from, I'd be all, 'yeah, lets kill her!" but dude... she was a GOOD person and it totally sucked that she didnt know that she was evil!
Some 'really' sad moments in that ep!

How FUCKING hilarious is Ianto!?!  OMG.  He's like, turned into the comic relief overnight and I LOVE IT!  -  I do hope they you know, keep to his character and have him shoot Owen again somewhere down the line.. but omg pretty much everything out of his mouth that ep was a gag.  SO funny.  My fav bit was the whole -

"'Just us.  In this room.  As long as it takes.'  Terrifying."
"Absolutely.  Shivers down my spine."
"You don't look scared."

Haha.  I cracked up.  And the bed manners thing!  EEEH!  Dude, my ship rocks!

"It's over."
"Lets all have sex."
"And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse."


I do love it actually.  Everyone is so much more natural and easy and team-like.  I REALLY enjoyed Gwen and Owen banter (for all I hate them both) but they were so strained and Owen has been SO cranky for SO LONG I'm really enjoying what they've done to his character.

OMG *shudder* Jack hitting that guy with his car! OMG the sound was just like... god... sounded like it REALLY hurt!  Lol, and the thing with the baby.  Seriously, mother and I are trying to justify it to each other, "That was the sound of the car hitting the other car.. NOT the pram... it was too big a bang for it to be the pram.."  lol.

"Common!  Have a little faith!  With a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail?!"
".....He is dashing.  You've got to give him that."

*glee*  Teehee.
I love my fandom.  *hugs it*


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