Nov 05, 2004 20:52

OMG I've had THE best day!!!!  OMG.  I saw the Star Wars Ep III trailer this morning and OMG!!!!!!  IT'S SO GOOD!!  I CAN'T WAIT!!!

And dude, I spent the ENTIRE day emailing Steve about it!  Just kept sending emails back and forth going off.  OMG.  *is listening to Star Wars music*   I've had SUCH an overload and I'm SO hyper.... *bounces around and around and around*

Omg Lock Down was cool! Kinda confusing, but so cool! It feels like a forever ago that I'd seen New Order and I'd almost forgotten about 'General O'Neill.' - I thought the lil star on his jackets was THE cutest touch!

I waited till like three quarters of the way in to hear someone call Sam 'Colonel!' And it ended up being some Lt. Evans! *sigh* I wanted Jack to do it.

Jack - "Carter, I'm only going to say this once. At Ease."

*laughs* I loved that. Sam was SO gittery at first. And OMG her hair! *sighs and rolls eyes* It's been bad since season six!

Daniel - "Who shot me?"
And then they did the whole.. it wasn't me.. eye thing. LMAO!!

I loved it at the end. I'm screaming at my tv, "It's in Jack! It's in Jack!" and then Sam elbowed that guy and I'm like, "NO! It's in Sam!" *laughs*
Then I wasn't even sure.. I LOVE seeing Sam beat people up. She doesn't get to do it half as often as she should.

Gee, Jack deflated that poor Russian guy when he first walked in, didn't he? I actually watched the air seep out of him. Poor guy.

And.. okay, MAJOR flaw in this weeks ep, since WHEN has the self destruct been overridden by just ONE person? If there is one thing I remember, it's alwasy Hammond going, "I don't know, but it takes two ranking officers to override it, and your it."

All in all thou, I LOVED the ep, good to see Jack in it a bit more, and OMG he shot SAM! Sorry, just rememberd. Lol. And Sam ALMOST grabbed Jack's hand when she rushed to the gate room after Anubis left him.


star wars, stargate

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