Annual Birthday Post . . .

Dec 18, 2024 13:05

(or What I've Learn in Three Score years plus seven)

#46) Life is hard. Trust me, life is hard for everyone.

[Admittedly, there are probably some people out there who were born with a golden ticket where life isn't all that hard for them. Still, that is likely a statistically insignificant number of people.]

One of the ways in which life is hard is that, for all of your life, it will throw problems in your face. Problems that you need to deal with. It is vital that you deal with those problems as they manifest. Otherwise, when life throws subsequent problems in your face, and you haven't dealt with the last ones, you will have twice as many problems that you have to deal with. And from there it can grow to three times as many. Or four times. Or more. This is how people become overwhelmed by how hard life can be.

#47) Life is not fair. Trust me, life is not fair for anyone.

Unfairness is built into the chaos of the world around us. Unfairness is built into the diversity of the people in the world. Unfairness is built into the free will of people. Fight it where you need to. Where you are able. Accept it where you can't change it.

However, the unfairness of life does not manifest itself in the same way or at the same time for everyone. When life is treating you unfairly, when you are feeling particularly put upon, don't look around at other people, wondering why their life does not appear as unfair. The unfairness in life is there, it might just not be manifesting at the same time or the same way as for you. Remember that when times grow hard. Life is unfair for everyone.

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