I've been busy this week. Among other things, I cleaned out the gym/office so we can start using it better. Like the guest/sewing room is primarily mine but shared, the gym/office is primarily housemates' room but shared. Except for my yoga equipment, everything in the room belongs to the roommate couple. (We have another roommate, who I rarely talk about, who has the studio apartment attached.)
On Tuesday, I started hanging from the wall board (above closet) to get muscles loose enough for rock climbing. I've agreed to make *every effort* to go climbing on Thursday evenings. Not only is regular climbing one of my goals, but roommate asked that I help her go regularly. She quit smoking her 4-5 cloves a week to help me quit; this is the least I can do.
Yesterday I began physical therapy exercises with female roommate, using what I learned for my back, hips, & shoulders and using what she learned for her ankles. She needs to improve flexibility so we can start beginners' Hatha Yoga in the next few weeks.
The Gym/Office went from this:
To this: