72) Apply for Dental care and/or assistance; repair/replace teeth. - 24JUN09
Apply for: Ins. Co.'s Dental*,
Donated Dental Services, other dental aid - Special Needs program at
ASDOH*check to see if will be useful for me, first
09JAN09: Knocked out #12
30JAN09: Finished
Donated Dental Services form, mailed in.
07MAR09: Merged 72) Apply for: Ins. Co.'s Dental, Donated Dental Services, other dental aid - 30JAN09 and 73) See Dentist often - Get teeth repaired or replaced.
18MAY09: through 24MAY09, bad tooth pain. No sleep, no visit to L.A., so bad.
08JUN09: ASDOH Clinic - Made screening appointment with
Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health (ASDOH), for Sept 25.
09JUN09: ASDOH Clinic - $30 for ER visit, $10 for Rx. Infection in #11, given antibiotic & narcotic. To return 16JUN09 for extraction ($120)
16JUN09: ASDOH Clinic - No charge for visit, $10 for Rx. Still infected, no extraction. Stronger antibiotic & stronger narcotic. To return 23JUN09 for extraction. Recommended to Special Needs due to "complex medical history"; can have multiple extractions under general anesthesia.
18JUN09: ASDOH Clinic - No charge. Face really bad, elephant (wo)man.
19JUN09: ASDOH Clinic - No charge. Follow-up exam. Am to cancel 23JUN extraction and 25SEP screening, will be going through Special Needs, screening on 24JUN09.
24JUN09: ASDOH Clinic, Special Needs - $69 for exam. Full x-rays, dental mold, three plans of action. Best - fix some, remove some, get a partial upper plate. More expensive, takes longer. Worst - remove all top, get full upper plate. Less expensive, faster, bone loss. I'm to call QMB and see if extractions are covered.