FRiEND --» calls your parents Mr. && Mrs.
BEST FRiEND --»calls your parents mom && dad
FRiEND --» has never seen youu cry
BEST FRiEND --» has always been the best shoulder to cry on
FRiEND --» never asks for anything to eat or drink
BEST FRiEND --» opens the fridge & make herself at home
FRiEND --» asks youu to write down your number
BEST FRiEND --» they ask youu for their number because they can`t remember it
FRiEND --» borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back
BEST FRiEND --» has a closet full of your stuff
FRiEND --» knows a few things about youu
BEST FRiEND --» could write a biography on your life story
FRiEND --» will leave youu behind if that`s what the crowd is doing
BEST FRiEND --» will always be with youu
Now could you tell if your my BFF or not (^.^)
* I get my new cell phone tomorrow night , I lost my ID in the cafeteria =( , anni w/ manuel is on sunday 11 months && i found out that i'm as innocent as it gets [ inside joke ] ;)
Pictures : Pictures :