Been thinking a lot lately.
This post serves one sole purpose: I need to thank you guys. I've been so... unreasonably moody, so unreasonably absent, I feel like I don't have enough time for you all. I just love you guys! You always listen and it means a lot to me. So thanks. All of you. For commenting, for posting, for being around. Ash, Naomi, Chee, Caley, Amy, Caroline (666 STFU) Jenya, Sophie, Hannah, Jessica, Sophia, Odile, Lauren, everyone.
And my RL people, you get your own little section, not to make you feel less special. Just separate. Most of you were probably all weirded out by my LJ entries? Since they're all emo and I'm not usually all emo at school. So yeah. Thanks Alex, Afshawn, Michell my me-shell, Michelle my wife, Rachelle, Emilie, and Skyler.
Forgive me if I forgot anyone... that just means you're even more special. :D
And Ash claims it's flist appreciation day, because she's so cool. Love her lots.