Jan 01, 2011 10:37
Well, it's a shiny new year, and so it's a time of reflection and examination. A lot of my friends are taking a look at the past year and its events and then adding something like "I hope 2011 will be even better," but considering I gave birth in 2010 I'm not sure how I can top that this year. I'm not planning to have another baby right away, so yeah, that kind of makes 2010 more awesome by default. Sorry, 2011, it just does. No offense.
I have spent a bit of time pondering resolutions, though. I usually try to make it something achievable, something I can stick to with a bit of work. Last year my goal was to buy fewer books (which did happen) and to make a good dent in my TBR pile (which did not happen). Ahem. Yeah, it turns out that with enough ARCs, you can add to your stockpile without buying many books at all. At least I got the book budget under control?
This year I spent a while debating what goals I wanted. At some point this year I'll be looking to lose that baby weight, but I can't make that a new year's resolution since I'm still breastfeeding, which means no dieting. I do want to be pickier about what ARCs I take on this year, since last year I put a lot of pressure on myself trying to get reviews up in a timely manner and wound up burning myself out a bit. I have a good collection of authors and series I know I love on my shelves that I just haven't had time to get around to, and I want to make more time for those, because reading for pleasure means I should be enjoying myself more often than not, yeah? I kind of feel like that's a pathetic New Year's goal, though. "Enjoy more books that I enjoy!" Uh, yeah. I guess I'll give myself a few more days to think about it.
At any rate, best wishes to all of you, and may each of you have a year full of all the awesome you deserve.