Late Night Social Call

Dec 14, 2010 09:54

I had the most interesting conversation last night. Late at night, the phone rang, and the caller ID showed a name and number I don't know. Normally I don't pick up if I don't recognize the caller, but I'd seen this number show up on my caller ID before and curiosity got the better of me. Not to mention it was quite late and I figured a phone call at this hour had to be something important. So I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" (I am original when it comes to answering.)

"Someone from your number called me."

I paused to be sure I heard the gentleman right. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Is this [the name my phone number is listed under]?"

"Um, yes?"

"Well, then you called me. I demand you explain yourself."

The whole thing was surreal, but that only carries things so far. "Sir, it's after midnight."

"I don't care. Why did you call me?"

"I've never called you. If someone from this number did call you, it would have been hours ago and they're now asleep because it's after midnight."

"Listen, you--"

I hung up the phone. (I never do that.) It started to ring almost immediately. I turned off the ringer and ignored the blinking light that told me I had messages.

Later, I asked my husband if he recognized the number. Apparently this is an older gentleman and a regular customer for his delivery route. A number of his regulars seem to feel it's their right to call him on his cell phone if he's running late from his usual time, and gank the number from their caller ID when he calls to be permitted access to their apartment for the delivery. (It should be noted the company he works for doesn't guarantee times.) This is the first time we've had someone harrass us at home, though. I've asked the husband to speak to him, since I don't particularly enjoy having creepy conversations with male strangers late at night.

I'm astounded that someone thinks any part of this is an acceptable way to behave. While on the phone, I was confused and creeped out. Now, much later, I'm annoyed and creeped out, and seriously wishing I could delete my number off someone else's caller ID.

random nonsense

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