Dec 05, 2007 17:40

The saga continues...

Chapter six is just Rachel running. We don't kow why. We don't know where. She just runs. And steals some dude's horse. Yes, this is really an ENTIRE chapter. Chapter seven... Richard eats eggs. I kid you not. Is this not the most EPIC book ever? Anyway, Jagang comes around to inspect the teams (with Kahlan, apparently he brings her EVERYWHERE in order to not-rape her in a variety of locations), and it take Richard a good five pages to realize that now he's proper fucked, as Jagang will recognize him. O RLY? So, he falls in the mud, covering his face and buying im time until a Deux Ex Messenger shows up and Jagang has to go. Ricard and Kahlan see each other, amnesia-fueled sparks fly. Richard asks Karg for some face paint so that he will not have to make a habit out of eating teh muds. Karg agrees, but not until Richard has had a chance to proerly sermonize him. Moving on. In the next chapter, the Imperial Order found a building or some shit burried underground (they've been excavating in order to build a giant ramp up the plateau so they can attack the People's Palace), and Jagang and Kahlan go to see it. Then some gaurds bring in Jillian, another random character I had forgotten about, who Kahlan had helped escape the Order in the previous book. Well, that was an anti-climatic escape. Chapter nine! Richard paints the faces of his teammates with magic symbols from past books that (correct me if I'm wrong) he shouldn't be able to remember without his gift. WHATEVER. They look all sorts of fierce. Ten is once again Kahlan's chapter, and is basically a rrrrrrrrreeeeeeeaaalllllllyyyyyyy long explantation of how Ja'La does and why. It's too complex, I am not explaining this shit. We have to read through two fucking games before Richard's team finally comes out on the very last line of the very last page of the chapter.

What The Holidays Mean to You

For you, the holidays are about celebration. You enjoy all the fun and fellowship that the holidays bring.

You celebrate the holidays in a minimalist style. You are likely to only give one great present and decorate your house with a few special items.

During the holidays, you feel magical. You love all of the decorations and how happy people are. You like to sit back and take it all in.

You think the holidays should be comforting and relaxing. You don't like the holiday rush... you just like the simple pleasure of the holidays.

Your favorite holiday memories strongly evoke your senses. You are vividly aware of all the tastes, smells, and sounds of the holidays.
What Do the Holidays Mean to You?

Your Christmas Song Is

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle-belling
And everyone telling you
Be of good cheer
It's the most wonderful time of the year

Hands down, Christmas is your favorite holiday ever
And you always enjoy every moment of it
What Christmas Carol Are You?

You Are a Tree

You love every part of the holidays, down to the candy canes and stockings. And you're goofy enough to put a Christmas tree ornament on your tree!
What Christmas Ornament Are You?

You Are a Bright Christmas Tree

For you, the holidays are all about fun and seasonal favorites.
You are into all things Christmas, even if they're a little tacky.
What Christmas Tree Are You?

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