not much to report...i'm...well shit. i love my job. i'm apparently doing pretty damn well, even though i still feel pretty crushed underneath all the shit i need to learn. i've managed to turn myself into a sponge pretty well, though. and basically being left to my own devices has rocked a goodly amount of face. I suppose the only thing i'm doing really poorly at is RMA's, and that's only because i fucking loathe talking to people over the phone anymore.
on the not-so-bright side, i've started up with WoW again. -_- ugh. this is doubly bad because giselle and i also haven't started looking for a new place to live (much less cleaning up our current one in preparation of moving out)
annnnnnnnd finally. just remembered why i was writing an entry in the first place...
electric bikes so, i go on technolust kicks. the one on the backburner right now is getting a quad core pc (even further back on that burner is getting a rack+servers to fill said rack). Up until i saw
this news post, i was obsessing over diesel/hybrid cars. so, in continuing with clean-ish transportation, i suppose this is only fitting....the only thing that bugs the hell out of me is that i'm not seeing more regenerative tech thrown into these things.
here is one with regenerative braking via the magnetic motors on either rim. And there's
this, which apparently uses a clutch system for regenerative braking?
Eiunno. it just seems to me that there should be more places you can pull electricity out of a bike, since there's so much cyclical action going on. i was going to say "why not put a generator coil around the hub", but now that i think about it, you probably wouldn't get a fast enough yeah. after trying to figure out where to put more regenerative tech at that could get enough rotation, you might be able to pull off putting a string of magnets inside the rims, then having some sort of pickup in the forks........course, this would probably bump cost up a noticeable amount, and if the person ever got in a wreck with the bike, that would probably be one of the first systems to get trashed.
meh. i can dream. ;P