May 29, 2006 00:33
ok, i'll start with how i met this guy. ok, i was at this bar that was 45 mins away from my house right? and i'm online for a mechanical bull and all of a sudden i met this guy. we were talkin and all and all of a sudden we realize we were in the next town over and we were only a block or 2 away. so we swapped cell numbers and we've been hanging out ever since. well, last night we've known each other for a week but it feels like forever cuz we were hanging out everyday except for 2 days cuz i hgad graduation and rehersal. so last night we had sex for the first time and usually when you have sex with someone you feel as if you are on cloud nine right? well i felt all blah and confused so that is pretty much why i'm writing to you guys. well last night afterwards he wanted to hang out again and i was like possible. then this morning i texted him saying that i just wanted to relax tinight. so now i dont know what is going in his head, and i don't know what is going in my head. my friend thinks that i'm possibly falling in love with him and i'm afraid of commitment so i'm running from it and thats why i texted him this morning. but is it possible to fall in love with someone after only a week of knowing them? and how do i firgure out what is going on in his head? how do i know if he just used me for sex or if he acctually have feelings for me as well? how am i supposed to know all of these things? then after we had sex i asked him what this makes us because i figured that was the safest time to ask him, and he was like i dunno i haven't really thought of that yet. so, what do i do? does that last statement what he said makes him look like a guy that just wanted to get some action? or does he really not know. somebody please help me cuz my friend thinks i'm falling in love and i'm definately not ready for that yet because i still have to find myself and i'm just really confused right now, so somebody please help me with this cuz i'm definately not ready to be in love yet cuz i dont know if he is and i dont want my heart to be broken. ok, i'm going to stop it there, if anybody helps me with this thank you in advanced! (sorry for being so long, i'm just really confused)