Well this sucks.....

Nov 03, 2005 08:16


I am moving. again. i know. shush. I am moving *BACK* to my parents house so i can save up some money....but, for some awful reason they do NOT have a computer, i think they are living in the dark ages, i dont know for sure, but its wierd.


for all of you who know me OH SO well...you *already* know my parents house number or you forgot.... and i was thinking i could just put it in here...but thats not a smart decision...SOOOO....if you would like to get in touch with me in the easiest way. send me a message back and ill send the number to you. cause ill be lonely and going stir crazy eventually.

because all of my friends...yes, thats you. you all rock.
and i <3 ya.

so there.

Elise. NEko.
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