Feb 07, 2005 22:36
it's funnii how hello is always accompanied with goodbye,
it's funnii how good memories can start to make you cry.
it's funnii how forever never seems to really last,
it's funnii how much you'd lose if you forgot about your past.
it's funnii how friends can just leave you when you're down,
it's funnii how when you need someone they're never around.
it's funnii how people change and think they`re so much better,
it's funnii how many lies can be packed in one "love letter".
it's funnii how people forgive even though they can't forget,
it's funnii how one night can contain so much regret.
it's funnii how ironic life turns out to be,
but the funniest part of all, none of that's funny to me.
-(¨`•.•´¨) Im so sick of being single...I need a guy
`•.¸.•´ to hold me tight when I start to cry
I need a guy thats nice and so damn fine (¨`•. •´¨)
So I can tell my gurlz... "Yep, he's mine!" `•.¸.•´
*d;o;e;s;n;t it suck w h e n he knows e*x*a*c*t*l*y how you feel but he d(o)es(n)t do anything a.b.o.u.t it because he just {doesnt} care. *
(*~Torn between two.:*:.
(*~Who would you chose?.:*:.
(*~The one that you love?.:*:.
(*~Or the one that loves you?.:*:.
i have to stop lovinq you beacause i know
you'll [ never ] love me too .. but e v e r y
time i see you ; that's all my heart can do`x
If u look into my eyes nd listen to what
i have to say u`lL know im the one girl`
´¯`»who wilL never walk away[ x0x]
Im not saying i dont want you
cuz believe me, i do.
im just not chasing after you..
im the author of my own life...
too bad im writing in pen.
i cant even erase my fuckin mistakes...
ther`z just one thing i need to know
should i hold on or just let it go?
smIle liKe;U juSt DonTgiVe a fcUK <33. .
D0nT Y0u KnOW i'D |[ D i e ]| F0r Y0u..?
evry giirl dreamz of wakin up in the middle of the nite
from rocks being thrown at her window...
from that one special boii she cant stop thinkin about
. . .yOU wILL nEvA kNOw tiLL yOU REAcheD thE tOp iF It wAS woRTh tHE cLiMbB . tHEres a fiNE liNe bEtwEEn lovE & A wASte oF tiME; sOMEtimMes THEres NO tiMEoUT Or sEcoND cHaNCEs SOMtiMEs yOU hAVE tO rISk iT aLL cAUSe sOMEtiMeS iTS juST NOW oR NEvEr <'3
They call her for dinner,she makes up a reason.
She looks at her arms and rolls down her sleeves.
Her mother is starting to see thru her lies, and last night her father had tears in his eyes.
They rise in the morning and they sleep in the dark,and even though nobodys looking..
She's begun to fall apart.
And in the night we'll wish this never ends…
iF tHE w0RLD stiLL spiNNiN & im liViNG, iT
w0NT bE riGHT iF wE'RE n0T t0GETHER iN iT <3
iTs aMaZiNg h0w diFfeReNt y0uR w0Rld w0uLd bEeiF y0u nEvEr mEt ThAt oNe pErSoN wh0 cHaNgEd -0>. . EveRytHiNg . .<3
it makes a world of difference
who knows when you wont be able to ..
holding those emotions in is bad for you ..
kisses are the most wonderful things in the world ..
whats the point in hiding happiness?
why let him not know your unhappy?
you dont want to lose friends
theres no better feeling being wrapped up close to someone you love ..
for life is eVeRyThInG