[name] Nancy
[where you live] 60 miles west of Chicago, NIU campus
[siblings] 3 much older half siblings
[age] 23
[what's it like being mulatto in your eyes] I've only recently begun to think about it. All my life my 'racial identity' never played a part in my day to day dealings; I kinda just took for granted that everyone accepted me. As of late I've run into some racial friction at work which has caused me to stop for once and think about this.
[when and where did you first hear the word mulatto?] probably around 10 years old from my older cousin
[for what it's worth, do you ever really feel like you belong in a certain crowd?] Well, yes. Growing up my mother and father were very intolerant to what they considered 'African American culture', so naturally I grew up in "white" neighborhood, and went to an expensive "white" school, and had white friends. Now that I've free of their influence for 4+ years I find my self gravitating to pretty much only white people. I mean my best friend is a blond haired, blue eyed Aryan dream and my boyfriend is a Euro mutt metalhead. Pretty "white" eh?