I just randomly found this community and I thought it was pretty cool so...::waves::
[name] cassandra
[where you live] new jerseyyyy
[siblings] 1 sister
[age] 20
[what's it like being mulatto in your eyes] it's like...being a human? race really was never an issue to me. my white mother raised me so obviously i feel more connected to my white family/culture but she would always emphasize the fact that i was/am black. i don't "feel black" though. but obviously, I'm not and I don't "feel white" either. I've never really felt like i was a certain race...and i am not a certain race...I'm a mixed race.
[when and where did you first hear the word mulatto?] when i was real little by my spanish babysitter i think.
[for what it's worth, do you ever really feel like you belong in a certain crowd?] yup. i feel like i belong in the crowd of humans
...people get too hung up on race. i don't see it like that. it makes me sad that just because you have 1 ounce of black blood in you...you are just that...black. everything else is gone. I'm proud of all of my heritage...and just because my father is black doesn't mean you can completely disregard the fact that my white Irish mother carried me in her womb and raised me to be the human I am today...