Feb 04, 2007 20:16
I have often had that feeling myself, that us mixed kids should stick together more. I wonder, however to what extent we even fit in with each other.
For instance: the ways in which I'm comfortable/uncomfortable around white crowds, and the ways in which I'm comfortable/uncomfortable around black crowds, probably aren't the same as most people here.
I started this as a new thread to invite people to try sharing what those things are. Other than people overtly commenting on your appearance, what are the things that make you feel you don't fit in here or there?
For instance, my speech patterns are a big issue for me. When I'm most comfortable, I speak with a fair amount of slang, but I still am told I sound too "white" to really fit into a black crowd. On the other hand, if I don't consciously avoid using this dialect with whites, they generally feel that i sound too "black."