When did I get so addicted to memes?

Apr 21, 2005 21:12

I'm utterly addicted to iy_fic_review. I want to write one myself, but it's been forever since I've read anything but one-shots & I don't really have the time to read an epic at the moment.

Also, it seems like slowed down over at 30shards. Join up, people! It's so much fun. It may seem like a lot of work, and at first I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but I've stayed on schedule so far. It's really been good for me to pratice my writing. JOIN. NOW.

I posted another shard at 30shards.
Fandom: Inuyasha
Title: Counterfeit
Pairing: Sango/Kohaku
Rating: R
Words: 121
Summary: He said; she said.

Theme #25: lies


I feel like mentioning I have a fictionpress.com account. Keep in mind most of the stuff over there is crap written out of sheer boredom. I do kind of like the poems though. Whatev.

MEME TIME! (Stolen from ash_grey_sky)
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Reply in a comment with the answers.

Stolen from taekwonangel

[ 1 ] Kagome (Inuyasha) - Okay, so I don't love her or anything, I just don't hate her. Some people go nuts with Kagome!hate, and I just can't understand that. Sure, being so blindly obsessed with Inuyasha is pathetic, and the way she dotes on Shippou is annoying, but she's just a kid like most of us. I kind of admire her in a way, for the mature way she deals with Kikyou. I know most people (myself included) would want to rip Kikyou to pieces for what she's done. Not that I hate Kikyou, either.

[ 2 ] Yuna (Final Fantasy X) - At first, I hated Yuna; she was like a Aeris carbon copy. But as the game went on though, I got a figurative hard-on for the girl. She was so strong but at the same time so weak. Her struggles, her triumphs, it was all so real to me; she was so real to me. She wasn't like Aeris at all, she didn't just give up and die. She lived on & her ending wasn't happy.

[ 3 ] Sango (Inuyasha) - A lot of people hate Sango because she gets in the way of Miroku & Kagome's twu wuv. But really, she's horribly selfish & weak. And I like it.

[ 4 ] Rose (The Legend of Dragoon) - Having lived for over 11,000 years, Rose has dealt with her share of misery. Her duty in life is to kill innocent babies! But she's done it for centuries, even though everyone she loved died, because she's so strong. At the same time though, she's so vulnerable. When she meets Dart, she's instantly reminded of her old lover, who she watched die. As a result, she spends the night talking to him while he sleeps in her lap. She's just so multi-faceted. She's strong & weak at the same time. It kind of inspires hope.

[ 5 ] Doujima (Witch Hunter Robin) - A lot of people hate Doujima, but I love her to pieces. When you first meet her, she's shallow, mean, and annoying. But as time goes on, in addition to that, she becomes the most horrible, deceitful, betraying scum on the planet. And I like it.

[ 6 ] Fllay (Gundam SEED) - You probably all hate me right now, but I seriously love Fllay a lot. She's awful, and self-centered, and whiny, and probably the most horrible human being. Ever. And I can relate to that. Honestly, when you think about it, she's probably the character we can all identify with the most. She's like a caricature of inherent human flaws, and I respect her for it.

[ 7 ] Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho) - Okay, I love Yu Yu Hakusho to pieces, but Genkai really brings the series alive for me. She's old and crude and condescending, but she's such a dynamic character. She's really suffered in the past, but still she guides Yusuke. I really admire her. Plus her interaction with Yusuke is, in my opinion, the most hilarious aspect of the series. She's probably my favorite character in Yu Yu Hakusho.

[ 8 ] Rikku (Final Fantasy X) - A lot of people think Rikku is annoying, and just kind of look at her as a cardboard, perky cut-out. However, I think her character is a lot deeper than that. With being persecuted for being Al Bhed, and Home burning down, she's suffered a lot. But still, where she could whine, she hides it under the cheerful exterior, & tries to help whenever she can. I don't think that's shallow at all. If anything, it's admirable.

[ 9 ] Mrs. Higurashi (Inuyasha) - Dear Lord, I love Mama so much. She's probably my favorite character in Inuyasha. She's been through so much pain, and is slowly losing her daughter. Yet she smiles & bears it. Her selflessness is so admirable. Plus pairing her is so much fun! Inuyasha, Naraku, Hojo! <3.

[ 10 ] Meryl (Trigun) - Some people think she's bitchy; I think she's responsible. She kind of guards her feelings, but it's so evident, that it's easy to pity her. I love her interaction with Vash & the way she cares for him and about him. I can really relate to her too, the way she tries to keep everything in line, even though it's hopeless.

Wow, that was a long entry.
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